As Live Action News noted in a previous article, user comments posted to Google Reviews have detailed medical negligence and injuries women have experienced when visiting Planned Parenthood facilities — stories that are rarely ever discussed by political leaders, the media, or other abortion industry allies. These Google Reviews have also highlighted the fact that women have suffered from negligence, abortion coercion, and a lack of maternal health services at Planned Parenthood facilities around the country.
The following reviews were seen and collected by Live Action in August and September 2024. More than half of the reviews in this report were posted in 2024, within months of the publication of this report.
Abortion Coercion
A woman, identified as Megan Wohlers on Google, claimed she was not only pressured into taking the first abortion pill (mifepristone) at Planned Parenthood Metro Health Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, but was also told by Planned Parenthood staff that there is no abortion pill reversal – an outright lie. Fortunately, she revealed that she was able to save her baby using the abortion pill reversal process. “I got pressured into making a decision and was lied to that if I took the first abortion pill, there’s no ‘abortion reversal pill.’ I took the first pill and regretted it. I didn’t take the second pill, and I got on progesterone, and my baby is developing fine.”
Another woman, identified as C AM, similarly reported saving her baby after allegedly being pressured to abort her baby by Planned Parenthood staff at Planned Parenthood Yuba City Health Center in Yuba City, California.
One review described how a patient watched another woman being coerced into choosing an abortion by a nurse practitioner and boyfriend at Planned Parenthood Watsonville Health Center in Watsonville, California.
One woman, identified on Google as Anna Sithouse, recalled going to Planned Parenthood Glendale Health Center in Glendale, Arizona, feeling like she had to get an abortion because of her situation, but also unsure if she wanted to abort her child. According to the review, the doctor, seemingly in an effort to make the woman choose abortion, was reluctant to provide her with an ultrasound or answers about her baby’s development (it is not clear whether she received an ultrasound).
She wrote, “The doctor has no sympathy for you. The doctor had none for me… I thought planned parenthood would give me support and help me through the experience. I received none of that. On my way out… the doctor was talking to the receptionist about how terrible I was for requesting another ultrasound. I just wanted to see it. It’s my right to see it and I thought it would help me accept what I was doing. I guess that was just to[o] much and it bothered the doctor so much.”
A review of Planned Parenthood Canoga Park Health Center in Canoga Park, California, suggested that Planned Parenthood doesn’t allow men to participate in their girlfriends’ or wives’ decisions to abort their children. When men are not allowed to go to their partners’ abortion consultations, Planned Parenthood staff are more easily able to pressure women into choosing abortion.
“Mike” wrote: “I wanted to be in there with my wife and ask the doctor and listen. They do not allow you to go in, I asked them to show me a policy that states that a partner cannot go in… the lady flipped out, she said ‘you shouldn’t go in this is her body not yours. My body my choice’ crazy! I told her but the patient my wife wants me the husband to see and meet the doctor with her… People that work this office are off. Completely off in the head….”
As Live Action previously reported, former Planned Parenthood employees have come forward and shared how they were trained to pressure women into having abortions. An employee has even described a forced abortion committed on a 17-year-old girl and her baby against the young mother’s will.
Lack of Maternal Healthcare Services
Planned Parenthood has long claimed to be a leading healthcare provider offering a wide array of services besides abortion, including contraception and cancer screenings — both of which actually decreased in the corporation’s most recent annual report. Some women have gone there seeking ultrasounds, unaware that Planned Parenthood won’t typically perform ultrasounds unless a woman plans on purchasing an abortion — a policy exposed by Live Action in a 2017 undercover investigation.
Many Planned Parenthood patients have posted Google Reviews claiming that they went to Planned Parenthood for ultrasounds and were not able to get them.
One Google user reviewing Planned Parenthood Durham Health Center in Durham, North Carolina, stated that she wasn’t able to get any maternity care there.
A review by Jennifer Doe recounts how she contacted Planned Parenthood Enfield Center in Enfield, Connecticut, for an ultrasound, but was allegedly denied this service when staff realized she didn’t want an abortion. “… I was worried I was having a miscarriage,” she wrote. “I tried to set up an appointment to have an ultrasound done, but they refused to see me when they learned I wasn’t going to terminate the pregnancy.”
A woman identified on Google Reviews as Tiesha Meacham described how a doctor at Planned Parenthood East Oakland/Coliseum Health Center in Oakland, California, allegedly refused to show her ultrasounds before she was scheduled to take the abortion pill. She wrote, “Horrible experience… I felt so hopeless here. These people have absolutely NO consideration towards people. They basically wanna give you an abortion pill and send you on your way. The physician I saw had a complete attitude about me wanting an ultrasound to see MY baby… Don’t waste your time at this dump.”
Diane Sanchez claimed that she was cut off on the phone when she requested a pregnancy test from Planned Parenthood Poughkeepsie Health Center. “So I call and to only be told that I need to test at home that they do not offer pregnancy test. Meanwhile website clearly states pregnancy testing and other services,” she wrote.
Another woman identified as Nicole Tilley left the following review about Planned Parenthood Detroit Health Center, claiming that the facility couldn’t offer her an ultrasound when she wanted to check on her baby in her womb — apparently unaware that Planned Parenthood’s main focus is abortion. She wrote, “Just wanted an ultrasound to make sure there was a baby and not just the sack and they apparently don’t do that. It’s planned parenthood and they care more about killing a child than finding out if there actually is one. Should be labeled as an abortion clinic.”
One review of Planned Parenthood Eureka Health Center by a patient identified as Holly claimed that a Planned Parenthood doctor refused her an ultrasound after she experienced heavy bleeding during pregnancy, then a staff member allegedly lied on Holly’s patient chart saying she had declined the ultrasound. According to the review, Holly later discovered she was pregnant with twins, and they were stillborn. “Not only did they decline to offer me an ultrasound but they only gave me a pregnancy test and even suggested an abortion to me at 5 months pregnant,” she wrote. “This pregnancy ended in a full term stillbirth, and I think a lot of it had to do with the way reproductive healthcare is handled in this country. I’m disgusted wiht the way I was treated here, the way my unborn children were treated.”
One woman, identified as Jessica Schlabach, expressed surprise that Planned Parenthood Hamilton Health Center in Hamilton, Ohio, charged $25 for an ultrasound while the pregnancy care center across the street, Pathway to Hope, gave her a free ultrasound and paperwork to help her sign up for medical insurance in Ohio.
Yet another review, listed under Planned Parenthood Modesto Health Center, in Modesto, California, suggested that Planned Parenthood staff are most interested in selling abortions — sometimes at the expense of their patients’ basic maternal care needs. “… my friend really went in there to get help with her pregnancy test and ultrasound and the only thing they wanted to provider her with was an abortion,” the Google user wrote. “They said thats all they do at this planned parenthood. How is that possible? i thought all planned parenthoods provided all reproductive help to women? I’m pro choice but cmon people…”
A woman identified as Jess wrote about how she was allegedly turned away from Planned Parenthood Elsie H. Hillman East Portland for cancer screening. “If you find a lump on your breast as I did, and you’re financially strapped – please do me a favor and lie to them. Tell them you want an annual and just let them address it in the breast check. If you schedule an annual… but tell them you found a lump… they will turn you away or charge you a ridiculous amount that doesn’t work with the health access plan they offer,” she wrote, adding that “not a single employee was compassionate” toward her. “So I got no services and now can’t have a lump checked out. I used to really care about PP – because I thought they helped so many people, especially those experiencing severe difficulties – and my votes reflected that… they won’t any longer.”
This compilation of Google Reviews detailing the coercion and lack of care women experience at Planned Parenthood facilities around the country is a mere sampling of the many negative reviews of Planned Parenthood facilities.
Planned Parenthood has claimed for decades that it is a leading provider of health care provider today. As the Google Reviews suggest, and as Live Action News has previously reported, this claim is questionable.