If you search “women’s experiences at Planned Parenthood” on Google, you will find mostly positive news articles about Planned Parenthood (with the majority on Planned Parenthood’s website), and stories about “harrowing” pregnancy experiences states that protect preborn children from abortion. However, a look at the Google reviews of individual Planned Parenthood facilities provides an interesting perspective… and tells a far different story.
Though strictly anecdotal, these reviews highlight the allegations of former Planned Parenthood patients — that many women have suffered from medical negligence, coercion, and a lack of maternal health services at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. The following reviews were seen and collected by Live Action in August and September 2024. More than half of the reviews in this report were posted in 2024, just months prior to publication.
Incomplete Abortions
Multiple women reported having experienced incomplete abortions provided by Planned Parenthood facilities. On Google Reviews, many said they suffered complications with retained products of conception, and had to be rushed to the hospital for surgery.
Google user Salina_Love wrote about her alleged experience of an incomplete abortion at Planned Parenthood North Stockton Health Center in Stockton, California. She mentions “abdominal pain” and having “to have surgery again.”
A Google user identified as Naomi Fielden recounted her incomplete surgical abortion procedure at Planned Parenthood Comprehensive Health Center in Overland Park, Kansas, in early 2024. She called her experience “the most traumatic medical experience” she ever had, during which she suffered “extreme chills and extreme pain in [the] abdomen and woke up the next day with a fever,” before going to the ER back in her unnamed home state, where she received an emergency D&C procedure.
Fielden recalled that she had several infections which could have made her abortion lethal, but Planned Parenthood kept her abortion appointment anyway. She said she received IV sedation, the strongest dose of sedation available at the clinic, but still felt the worst physical pain she had ever experienced, writing, “[T]hey told me I could hold a stress ball and wiggle my feet but the pain was so bad I was struggling to keep my legs in the sterups [sic] and clenching every muscle in my body just to not cry out in pain.”
Naomi said the medical staff didn’t prepare her cervix for the abortion, and used a tenaculum to force her cervix open, even though they promised her before the operation that they wouldn’t do so. The staff rushed through Naomi’s abortion.
“I had been informed not long before the procedure they would do it in 3-5 minutes which concerned me because everything I had been told and that I had researched said the least amount of time that procedure can be performed is in 5-10 minutes. they didn’t even do that. [T]here were probably 30 other women in the clinic that day and it was very clear to me they were rushing my procedure. [D]uring the procedure I asked them at one point to stop because of how extreme the pain was and the lady told me she would give me a few seconds and then continue. [S]econds. [T]hey did the procedure in less than 3-5 minutes.”
Days later, it became clear that the abortion was incomplete, and Naomi’s life was at risk. “[T]wo days after the procedure when I was back in my home state I started getting extreme chills and extreme pain in my abdomen and woke up the next day with a fever. I had to go to the Emergency Room and they had to perform a D&C on me to remove all of the tissue the Kansas clinic had left behind.”
Naomi said she saw what appeared to be her baby’s entire remains, crushed and mangled beyond recognition. “I got to see it and it was the same size as the baby before the abortion procedure just was not in the shape of a growing baby. I had an infection so bad I had to be treated with IV antibiotics and steroids. luckily for me I was treated at the ER before I went septic.”
“J Reed”
Another woman, identified as J Reed, reported having a horrific incomplete abortion experience at the same Planned Parenthood facility, Planned Parenthood Comprehensive Health Center in Overland Park, Kansas, that landed her in the ER. “Once the abortion started I started to notice something didn’t feel right the further they kept going. I said something. She kept going,” she wrote. “It wasn’t until I screamed and started crying for them to notice and all the doctor told the nurse to do was to inject me with more medication while they continued to do it… After 4 days I notice[d] huge blood clotting and excessive pain. Felt like I was giving birth. Went to the emergency room to find out that they did not do things proper and I will now undergo another surgery.”
A woman with the Google username, Jay Yams, claimed she suffered from an incomplete ectopic pregnancy treatment compounded by an IUD insertion at Planned Parenthood Smithtown Center in Smithtown, New York. “[T]hey pushed the embryo up [,] gave up [,] and gave me an iud I didn’t ask for that is now infected.”
Another patient, with the username Whiisp Disch, had an experience similar to Jay Yams’. She reports that staff at Planned Parenthood Madison East in Madison, Wisconsin, failed to complete her abortion and then inserted an IUD – all of which landed her in the ER. According to the review, after visiting Planned Parenthood, the woman suffered “excruciating painful cramps” and “was taken to the hospital through ambulance and admitted because [she] was hemorrhaging internally”. She says Planned Parenthood “staff was nice but missed a huge error that almost led to me bleeding out.”
Sasha Wilson claimed to have had an incomplete abortion at Planned Parenthood Far Northeast Surgical Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: “Remnants of fetus and placenta still inside me 6 days post-operation! Bleeding profusely and grapefruit sized blood clots!”
Another woman, identified as Destinee, wrote about her alleged incomplete chemical abortion experience at Planned Parenthood Coachella Health Center in Coachella, California, claiming that after her attempted chemical abortion her “body and temperature was so bad [she] had to go to the hospital.” She wrote, “I went through a lot because of this clinic. I came here to get a pill abortion, and it turned out they didn’t give me all the pills needed. I reported for this. During this time after taking the pills, I bled and cramped, and thought I had miscarried like supposed to. As days [went] by, [m]y temperature and body was so bad I had to go to the hospital. They told me I was still pregnant. I had to schedule for a surgical abortion. A week[] after waiting for my appointment that was scheduled out of town, the day before, my water had broke at 2 months pregnant, and I was going through a lot of pain, cramping, It was a very painful and emotional time for me.”
Other Injuries
Many women report suffering other injuries besides complications from incomplete abortions at Planned Parenthood facilities.
One Google user, Sally Zhang, claimed that staff at Planned Parenthood The Bronx Center perforated her cervix.
Other patients recalled that Planned Parenthood doctors and nurses had difficulty drawing blood and performing ultrasounds.
A patient identified on Google Reviews as Sorryiwas Readin wrote about her experience at Planned Parenthood Trenton Health Center in Trenton, New Jersey, where a nurse drew her blood incorrectly and was unable to perform an ultrasound for her.
“I started crying & told her [I] [wasn’t] feel[ing] good she still proceeded so [I] asked her if she could just try to get blood from my hand since my arms [wouldn’t] draw blood for her [.] [S]he tried multiple times & failed with my hand too. I had blood leaking all over me [.] she [didn’t] even offer a band aid until after she seen my arm was covered in blood.”
Another woman identified as Cynthia Pfeiffer shared a similar experience with having her blood drawn at Planned Parenthood Livonia Health Center in Livonia, Michigan.
Google user Val Basinger reported that after an operation at Planned Parenthood Livonia Health Center in Livonia, Michigan, she had to visit the ER, where medical professionals told her she had huge ovarian cysts “the size of a tangerine,” which Planned Parenthood hadn’t managed to detect with ultrasound.
A woman identified as Krista described her dangerous biopsy procedure at Planned Parenthood Golden Glades-Miami Health Center. According to the review, the Planned Parenthood staff who had performed the biopsy left the woman on her own to seek treatment at the ER. “It was the worst experience of my life… After leaving I suffered a huge complication and was unable to get in contact with anyone at that location… I ended up in the ER that night.”
A review by Google user Jazmyn Quenton told of how her friend allegedly had to go to the hospital after visiting Planned Parenthood Metro Health Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, after “waking up in a pool of blood and passing out.”
A mother with the username, Kate Kate, recently wrote about her daughter’s injury at Planned Parenthood North Stockton Health Center in Stockton, California. “My daughter was seriously injured physically and mentally by the medical staff,” she claimed.
Abortion is a cruel procedure for the child who is brutally murdered, but also for the mother. Some of the Google Reviews left by women who underwent abortions confirmed this tragic fact, sometimes with graphic detail.
A 21-year-old described the abortion she had at age 17 at Planned Parenthood West Hartford Center in West Hartford, Connecticut. “I l[ay] on the table while 4 nurses held me down and the (bald female) doctor performed the procedure as I screamed and squirmed. Instead of stopping to check on me, they held me down and held my legs open.”
Another gut-wrenching Google review compared Planned Parenthood Ventura Health Center in Ventura, California, to an animal slaughterhouse.
This compilation of Google Reviews detailing horrendous medical injuries allegedly performed by Planned Parenthood staff on vulnerable women is a mere sampling of the many negative reviews of Planned Parenthood facilities.
Planned Parenthood, with the help of the media, can effectively cover up the traumatizing medical neglect and injuries women experience within Planned Parenthood businesses and after their abortions and other procedures there. This is aided by the fact that only 28 states even report post-abortion complications.
Understanding the truth, that Planned Parenthood is not a trusted healthcare provider, is more important than ever before. Watch for Part 2 of our investigative report on Google Reviews of Planned Parenthood facilities.