by John Bowen, 2015
In early 2002, I was asked to join a group of about a dozen friends whose goal was to oust Planned Parenthood from making sex-ed presentations to our high school students here in Coronado, California. At the time, all I knew of PP was that they provided abortion services – which seemed like an unpleasant way to make a living to me. But it’s the law of the land after all, and I had never thought about it any more than that.
It took very little digging on my part to quickly learn the truth about this pathetic outfit, however. Doing the same thing I do when checking out a company for investment purposes or a charitable organization for donation purposes, I got on the PP website and checked it out from A to Z. It was there I learned about PP’s own website for youth,
Once there, it became readily apparent to me that Planned Parenthood had created a simple business model that exists to this day: Use sympathetic politicians and the liberal media to be blessed as a savior of women’s health in general and as “experts” in the field of sexual health in particular. Then infiltrate our public schools to make the required sex-ed presentations that teachers don’t want to make. The PP reps leave their brochures and cards behind so the kids can call PP when they are in trouble. And – oh yes – they leave their website info as well.
Worse yet, they do so under the guise of “We’re here to help you,” when in fact their unstated goal is exactly the opposite. How can I say that? When I went on that teenwire site in 2002, what I saw among other things was this jaw-dropper addressed to youth:
Despite What Your Parents and Teachers Say… do you think you’ll really need to use math after high school to do anything besides balance your checkbook? How about chemistry? Or French? Well, there’s one subject that’s guaranteed to come up in the future… we all need to know about one thing – SEX!
Over the course of about four months I presented that page to the school board along with a number of TeenWire Q & A pages that normalize all kinds of sexual behavior. Then I simply asked the board members to draw their own conclusions about the organization. The end result was PP being shown the door on a 5-0 vote.
Live Action continues to educate readers on this issue at But the press is not interested – and how many members of Congress are aware?
Video revelations from Live Action over the years – and more recently from the Center for Medical Progress – have rightly begun to finally open a few eyes, but I continue to see nothing anywhere about Planned Parenthood’s business model of infiltrating our youth in school and creating the need for its services for a fee.
Back to the title of this article. You could have heard a pin drop as I said it twice – firmly – at that final school board meeting on the issue. It’s really ALL that the school board and parents on both sides needed to hear.