“The reality is that the mainstream networks – the big three, ABC, NBC, and CBS – spent 19 days covering Wendy Davis, and they covered her three times more than they covered Kermit Gosnell, a convicted murderer from Philadelphia,” Live Action’s president, Lila Rose, said at the Life March on Media rally in downtown Washington, D.C.
“The media has said they are here in order to educate the public and bring us to terms with our biases. But they are not doing that. It’s time to stop censoring the news about the most important human rights issue of our day.”
Upwards of a hundred and fifty people gathered in front of ABC Studios Thursday, August 8 to participate in Live Action’s Life March on the Media rally. The rally focused on calling out the dangers of allowing media bias.
Supporters who could not attend the rally were encouraged to participate in the concurrent Twitter rally. Pro-life activists across the country joined Live Action by tweeting at the presidents of ABC, NBC, and CBS, barraging them to tell the truth about abortion.
“We know that the intent [of the media’s bias] is to dehumanize the victims of abortion and to hide the fact that abortion kills children,” said Jill Stanek, a pro-life activist and nurse. “Only just last week, huge news came out that the federal government has awarded a former Planned Parenthood whistle-blowing employee 1.25 million dollars for exposing one Planned Parenthood affiliate’s Medicaid fraud just over the course of six years. And this is just one of over 70 affiliates.”
The Media Research Center’s political director, Christian Robey; President of Americans United for Life Charmaine Yoest; and Creative Chief of the Radiance Foundation Ryan Bomberger also spoke at the rally.
There were ABC employees peering through their studio’s windows, looking down at the ongoing rally.
Lila Rose also addressed an ABC reporter, who held up a rather large video camera over his shoulder and tipped his head when she called him out.
“This is why we organized the March on the Media: because as cathartic as it might be to throw popcorn at your television in disgust, you’re still sitting on the couch after you’re done,” said Drew Belsky, Live Action’s communications director. “We want to kindle a fire in pro-life activists across the nation – not only to recognize, call out, and discredit media bias, but to demand an end to it in ways that are impossible to ignore.”
Live Action is hopeful that the rally may claim some real media attention. They’ve also sent letters to ABC, NBC, and CBS asking them to tell the truth regarding abortion, but there has been no response.

Photo by Monica Briggs.