
A college group thinks abortion is positive; sex predators agree

Most people don’t feel good about abortion; a college group is hoping to change that. To them, abortion is something positive.

And glittery.


Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity (URGE) visited ten campuses this year with their Abortion Positive bus tour. Each stop was “an all day event celebrating access to abortion” that featured “free giveaways, special speakers” and “someone in a vagina costume.”

When it comes to creating a positive view of abortion, URGE has its work cut out; there are polls showing a majority of millennials think it should be illegal in all or most circumstances. Granted, some people do have a pretty good reason to celebrate abortion. After all, it keeps them out of jail.

Dr. Benjamin Graber understands that. The abortion Graber performed on a 10 year-old hid the fact she’d been rape by her father. For the next two years, he preyed on other children as well. Graber said he didn’t go to authorities because “it was not an obvious case of child abuse.” Apparently her being well below the age of consent wasn’t a tip-off.

Abortion did the same thing for John F. Szorady. Szorady began raping his girlfriend’s daughter when she was 13 and continued for half a decade. It might have come to light after she got pregnant, but the abortion Szorady forced on her prevented that from happening.

A Canadian man also found abortion useful. By making his stepdaughter have two abortions before she turned 13, he kept his crimes on the down-low. No reports were filed and the abuse only stopped when he was caught assaulting another girl.

Abortion certainly helped Edgar Ramirez: he got Planned Parenthood to perform two of them on his 13-year-old daughter in less than six months. Again, no report was filed, although Planned Parenthood did set her up with an IUD. And this wasn’t the only time America’s largest abortion chain covered up child rape.

Staff said it wasn’t “a red flag” when Timothy Smith brought his 13-year-old stepdaughter to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. It wasn’t a problem when Gary Cross took his 13-year-old victim there for the same reason. The victims of Joseph Coles, Luis Gonzalez-Jose, John Haller, Adam Gault, Gray David Woods, Kevon Walker, and John Blanks, Jr. didn’t raise eyebrows either. For these predators, Planned Parenthood was a big help. Then again, so are your taxes.

Every year, Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion dollars in federal funding. Tell Congress you want that money sent to federally qualified health centers and community health centers instead. They’re more accessible and offer services Planned Parenthood won’t.

As you can see, abortion has definitely been positive for some people. It’s something their victims know all too well.

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