A new CNN poll on abortion was released today, demonstrating that Americans widely support abortion restrictions.
CNN’s claim that there there is a “wide divide over abortion” doesn’t exactly hold true. In fact, strong limitations on abortion won the survey with an eighteen-point gap. Such a margin does not indicate a widely divided public.
Rather, these numbers illustrate that Americans are consistently realizing the holes – and lies – in the “choice” mentality that advocates for abortion on demand, at any stage of life and for any reason. Americans continue to agree that killing our innocent, helpless children is not the answer to our problems. (See why here.) Blatant disregard for the human rights of others only advances cruelty, inhumanity, and inequality – not exactly American values.
CNN reported:
According to the poll, 27% say that abortion should be legal in all circumstances, 13% say it should be legal in most circumstances, 38% say that it should be legal in few circumstances, and 20% say abortion should always be illegal.
In other words, 40% say that abortion should be legal in all or most situations, while 58% believe abortion should not be allowed in all or most situations.
To CNN’s credit, its polling director, Keating Holland, stated that the belief that “abortion should be legal in all circumstances” is an “extreme position on the issue.” (Note that this is Planned Parenthood’s position.)
Unfortunately, Holland also stated that “calling for a complete ban on abortion” is also extreme. Of course, a complete ban on slavery during pre-Civil War America was also considered extreme.
Pro-lifers would do well to help our nation understand that a complete ban on abortion would still allow women to get the necessary healthcare and treatment they need to save their lives. For instance, chemotherapy for cancer and the removal of an ectopic pregnancy would both be fully legal. These procedures save a woman’s life without having the direct purpose of killing her unborn child. Since women have the equal right to life that unborn children ought to have, women must be allowed to save their own lives. The only thing an abortion ban would actually ban is the intentional killing of unborn children.
Of course, in any civilized society, the intentional killing of innocent people should be completely illegal.
Pro-lifers can also help our nation understand the options available to women and girls who are unexpectedly pregnant or who find themselves in a difficult situation. Virtue Media, Stand Up Girl, and Option Line can put women in touch with hotlines, online or e-mail chats, and pregnancy resource centers who can help immediately – and throughout the future – in a variety of ways, including material and medical help. (Check them out!) Teen Mother Choices International and Embrace Grace (and other similar groups) help walk women through the processes of birth and parenting or adoption. Pro-lifers truly are here to help women in unexpected or difficult pregnancies; we are here to help and adopt babies when necessary, and we need to make sure America knows this.
Perhaps one of the best resources for women considering abortion is another report by CNN. It includes over 500 stories from women who already chose abortion – with the vast majority regretting their choices and explaining their pain and loss. More stories are here, and be sure not to miss this little girl who gives a very good reason for moms to choose life.
(According to CNN: The poll was conducted for CNN by ORC International from Jan. 31 through Feb. 2, with 1,010 adults nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey’s overall sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.)
For anyone who wants to learn more about abortion, check out these articles:
- 10 reasons not to have an abortion
- What to do if your boyfriend wants you to get an abortion
- Abortion and men: What’s a father to do?
- This amazing scientific paper
- These quotes from textbooks on when life actually begins
- These stories of regret and pain