An Australian woman has died after undergoing a first-trimester abortion procedure on January 12.
According to the Daily Mail UK, 30-year-old Harjit Kaur discovered in early January that she was unexpectedly pregnant. She booked an abortion at Hampton Park Women’s Health Clinic in Melbourne, where she reportedly passed away shortly after the procedure. Kaur is survived by two young children, ages four and two, and her husband, Sukhjinder Singh. Kaur was said to be “super healthy.”
Singh told the Daily Mail that he was contacted by the abortionist, Dr. Rudolph ‘Rudy’ Lopes, during his wife’s appointment.
‘He told me the procedure was successful but, while they were moving her into the general ward, her heartbeat stopped and there was an ambulance there giving her CPR,” Singh said.
After Singh arrived, he reportedly “tried to enter the general ward but they stopped me and asked me to stay outside. Five minutes later the doctor came to me and said, ‘Sorry your wife is dead.’” An investigation is underway to determine the cause of death.

Preborn fetus 9 week post-fertilization
Various news reports repeatedly call the abortion a “minor procedure,” and even indicate that Kaur opted for the surgical abortion because she was nervous about potential complications from a chemical abortion. But no abortion procedure can be considered “safe” (each abortion ends a human life), and all abortions come with risks to women as well, though those risks are often downplayed by the abortion industry.
According to its website, Hampton Park Women’s Health Care commits first-trimester surgical abortions. The surgical abortion procedure during this time frame is the suction dilation and curettage, often called a D&C. According to, the D&C “is a procedure in which a suction catheter is inserted into the mother’s uterus to extract the preborn baby. Tools are then used to scrape the lining of the uterus to remove any remaining parts.”
Former abortionist Dr. Beverly McMillan describes this type of abortion in the video below:
As noted, this abortion procedure can cause injuries to the woman’s uterus or cervix, and the intestines, bladder, and nearby blood vessels may also be injured. Women are also at risk of hemorrhage, infection, and death.
Sadly, Kaur now joins the many other mothers who have been killed by legal abortion procedures, including Keisha Atkins, Lakisha Wilson, Tonya Reaves, Cree Sheppard, Christin Gilbert, Jamie Lee Morales, and others. Abortion is not simply a “minor procedure” – it’s a major surgery that always results in the murder of the preborn child, while the mother is at risk of potentially serious complications and even death.