“As long as they’re gonna be open, there’s gonna be more deaths…They’re killing people. Not just babies; they’re killing women, as well.”
Those are the words of Tyler Sheppard, the brother of a woman who died from a botched Planned Parenthood abortion. Sheppard is speaking out about the horrific treatment his sister, Cree Erwin-Sheppard, received at the hands of a Michigan Planned Parenthood. Sheppard also alleges that Bronson Battle Creek Hospital may have helped to cover up Planned Parenthood’s negligence in his sister’s case.
“We approached Planned Parenthood to try to get Cree’s medical documents from them, but they weren’t willing to give them to us,” Sheppard said in a new video interview by Live Action. “Justice has not been given to my sister. I lost two people that day — not just a sister, but a niece or a nephew, as well.”
Erwin-Sheppard, 24, was also mother to a one-year-old son. Following her abortion at a Kalamazoo Planned Parenthood on June 30, 2016, she experienced severe abdominal pain. Her brother says, “She wasn’t proud of [getting the abortion] so she basically went by herself. The pain never went away, so she would try to, you know, maybe sleep it off and she was getting worried. And she finally came and told my mom what happened.”
Erwin-Sheppard’s mother took her to the Bronson ER at that time, on July 2. They kept her overnight and released her with pain medication and instructions to visit her doctor the next day. Erwin-Sheppard went to her mother’s home to sleep so she didn’t have to be alone. Tragically, as Tyler stated, “She laid in the bed, and she didn’t wake up.”
According to Operation Rescue, Erwin-Sheppard had experienced labored breathing, “like someone with sleep apnea,” which authorities later noted could have been a sign of “severe physiological distress” which “sometimes accompanies a heart attack.” This breathing is difficult to distinguish from normal heavy breathing. Below is audio of the 911 call placed by Erwin-Sheppard’s mother on the morning she found her daughter cold to the touch (WARNING: Some may find this extremely disturbing):
Sheppard says the coroner told their family that “she’s never seen anybody as mangled as my sister was…. [The hospital] looked at the X-ray and saw her uterus was perforated and that she was bleeding internally. They still sent her home. They made it seem like it was okay, and, ‘just medicate and you should be fine.’ It felt like they were trying to cover up for Planned Parenthood… it felt like they were trying to cover up the abortion… the cause of her death, and I was upset.”
“It’s not just Cree,” Sheppard adds. “There was people before Cree, and there was people after Cree…. It’s not a safe procedure…. They killed my sister. Planned Parenthood is evil…. They’re killing people…. I’m gonna continue… until they’re shut down.”
The video points out that “Cree is not the only victim. Countless women have died or suffered serious injury following legal abortion at Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities.”
“I want Planned Parenthood to be off the table as a choice,” Sheppard says in the video. “They’re ravaging these women. I want to know why my sister’s life wasn’t… good enough to save.”