George Pascal Amemo.
George Pascal Amemo grew up in Ghana. He now lives in Richmond, Virginia. He founded Students for Life of Ghana, and he works as an advocate for life in America and abroad. George is an inspiring example of someone who hasn’t let obstacles — geographical or otherwise — hamper the call to build a culture of life.
What inspired you to get involved in the pro-life movement?

George with Students for Life of America.
Most young girls in my country go through horrible abortions when pregnant because they are afraid of being out of school, afraid of poverty, afraid of family rejection and of societal stigma if they keep their babies. As a result, they seek abortions. I got my inspiration to start Students for Life of Ghana and the pro-life movement in Ghana from this fact.
I believe that every human being, no matter the age, deserves the right to live, to love, to be loved, to be happy, to be safe, to experience every aspect of life, both before and after birth to fulfill God’s purpose.
I have always been passionate about serving my community, and I see protecting lives as one of the ways to serve and make an impact in my country and in the world.
What do you do to support life and defend the pre-born?

A 40 Days for Life event in Ghana.
I go to churches every Sunday and preach against abortion. I also go out and distribute Live Action’s magazine, The Advocate, both in Richmond and in Ghana.
I also started Students for Life of Ghana, 40 Days for Life, and pro-life work in Ghana to get the message to the youth and the general public.
Share with us an encouraging event or a success story from your work.

Robert Colquhoun, speaking at the 40 Days for Life event George organized in Ghana.
I put together friends of mine in Ghana to organize 40 Days for Life in communities. They showed video of dangers of abortion, and Robert Colquhoun, the international coordinator of 40 Days for Life, visited Ghana from England to support the event.
I have also spoken with a young lady friend of mine who considered abortion but decided to keep her baby. She delivered her child, and then she went back to school through support I helped her find from good people.
What keeps you going through the tough times?
The favour of God.
What advice would you give to your peers?
Preach against abortion.
Name a hero or role model of yours and explain why he or she inspires you.

Dr. Mensa Otabil.
Dr. Mensa Otabil, general overseer of International Central Gospel Church in Ghana. He inspired me because he started a church, and he built a university. He shows me that, if I trust in God as he did, I can also build a solid pro-life movement in Ghana, in Africa, and in the world.
What is your favorite pro-life quote?
“I am the pro-life generation.”
Given a large sum of money and any connections you need, what would you do for the pro-life cause?
I would build adoption centers in Africa, and sponsor young pregnant girls in Africa to go back to school after delivery. I would work to build a solid pro-life movement in Africa.
Do you know a student whose pro-life work should be recognized? Nominate him or her for a Live Action Student Spotlight here.