
Adoption is a better option

Letter to the editor by Catherine:

Many try to justify aborting babies by claiming that since this is not a perfect world for children and some “unwanted” or “inconvenient” children are neglected or live in poverty, these “unwanted” babies should be terminated, thus preventing unhappy or difficult childhoods.

Adoption is a better option.

My son was “inconvenient” and was adopted.  He is wanted and loved; and we thank God every day for him!  When we realized I couldn’t give birth to the baby we wanted to share our love and our home with, we resolutely set out to adopt. But because so many American mothers choose to abort their babies, there just weren’t enough babies.  Pursuing adoption took three very stressful years with many painful disappointments with many agencies.  But we prayed, and we were determined.

To his birthmother he was inconvenient and a financial burden to her existing family. So she planned an abortion to deal with him as she had with her previous “inconvenient” babies.  Before she returned to the clinic for the abortion, a Christian friend pleaded with her to give her son away, instead, and even select the adoptive parents through in an open adoption. We were called, and travelled half way across the country to meet her. We liked each other immediately, and she selected us!  But for months we worried that she would keep him when she saw how precious he was.  When she went into labor, we immediately made another long trip; and within hours, we were holding this sweet, perfect baby!  More days passed as we worried if he would really be ours, then we all signed more papers with the agency, she kissed her precious baby goodbye and gave him to us to love for the rest of our lives. She was happy that he would have us as parents and excitedly planned to share her adoption experience with other pregnant girls. We will always be grateful to her for this precious gift who has enriched and changed our lives forever.

I believe God worked miracles for our son by finding one person to plead for his life and save him from the abortionist.  He found two people who needed this baby as much as he needed them, who would love him and could deal with his special needs, and who were willing to search for years and travel thousands of miles to find him.

Our son received stability, love, and opportunities. We received untold blessings and a joy and purpose that kept us focused on what is important in life, especially during life’s difficult times.  Although rearing him was not easy—especially helping him many hours each night and hiring tutors to help him get though school—he has been gifted with a quick wit, many amazing abilities, and a good heart–giving himself generously to others.  Today he is devoted to his family and works in a job where he is highly valued for his unique talents. We have been privileged to help prepare him for his next stage in life:  fulfilling God’s special plan for him.

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