A transgender abortion activist who vandalized a pregnancy resource center (PRC) was found guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. However, unlike pro-life advocates, she will not be spending any time in prison.
Whitney Durant, a biological woman who also goes by the name of Soren Monroe, was sentenced to a mere two years of probation and a $2,000 fine after pleading guilty to intentionally damaging a reproductive health center, according to a Department of Justice press release. Last year, Durant attacked the Bowling Green Pregnancy Center in Ohio, also known as HerChoice, and spray-painted the phrases, “Liars,” “Fake clinic,” “Jane’s Revenge,” “Fund abortion,” and “Abort God” all over the PRC.
In a video posted on social media, Durant said she was a former client of HerChoice, and acknowledged that she specifically targeted the PRC because they do not commit abortions.
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Durant is also known to have harassed, defamed, and cyber-bullied pro-life students at Bowling Green State University, where she was a student at the time — showing that the attack against HerChoice is not a one-time lapse in judgment, but part of a larger pattern of behavior. Yet while pro-life advocates are sentenced to years in prison for peacefully attempting to halt abortions while destroying no property, Durant is able to walk free.
Morgan Reece, president of Bowling Green’s Falcons for Life club, wrote that she was disappointed that Durant got nothing more than a “slap on the wrist” for breaking the law.
“Our only ‘comfort’ was if Durant ever committed a second offense, it would be a federal felony, placing her in prison,” Reece said. “Past pro-lifers went to prison for much less. The faces of the FACE Act currently are four pro-lifers who ‘face six months in prison, five years of supervised release, and fines up to $10,000 for singing and praying outside abortion facilities,’ according to Fox News. Other pro-lifers violating the FACE Act were Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, John Hinshaw, Heather Idoni, and Herb Geraghty for simply blocking the entrance to an abortion facility called the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C. Despite not damaging or vandalizing property, they face up to 11 years each in federal prison. Even if this isn’t a first offense, the FACE Act is weaponized against pro-life advocates. How can a pro-abortion vandal face no prison time while pro-lifers face years of prison time for peacefully praying and singing?”
Reece said the “clear bias” was too obvious to ignore, concluding, “It’s difficult to appreciate it when Durant gets a slap on the wrist.”
Editor’s Note, 5/12/24: This post originally noted the state as Kentucky. It has been corrected to Ohio. We regret the error.