At Regent University, where I am currently a first year law student, our classes run a little bit longer than is required by the American Bar Association. That is because at the beginning of class we have devotionals. A professor will usually read a Bible passage and then provide some Scriptural analysis. He or she then prays.
Now I don’t make it a habit to relate every class to abortion (just for Christian Foundations of Law). Oftentimes though I find that I cannot help but apply our devotional to real world experiences, namely abortion.
For Tuesday’s devotional, our professor read to us Psalm 7. The Psalm speaks of God as a “righteous judge” and one “who displays his wrath every day.” The author of the Psalm is especially asking God to “[b]ring to an end the violence of the wicked…”
As he applied Scripture, the professor mentioned the point that evil sets a trap for itself. He used the example of Bernie Madoff and his pyramid scheme, mentioning that Madoff is a disgraced man who will die in prison since his sentence is longer than the amount of time he has left alive. I couldn’t help but think of abortion as well though.
Abortion itself is a great evil, and the abortion industry is wicked for preying on vulnerable women and girls and thus profiting off from performing that evil.
Planned Parenthood is the chief example of this. As the largest abortion provider in the country, not to mention the advocacy and political activity which the group involves itself in, the group is the face of abortion in our country.
Planned Parenthood has a troubling record since its beginning, considering it was founded by Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist. Live Action News has plenty to say about her and her mentality, including a recent piece from Lauren Enriquez.
Live Action does not stop there, though. The organization is devoted to exposing the truth about Planned Parenthood through its investigative videos, as well as recent website, Live Action has found that Planned Parenthood will provide abortions based on the sex of the child, cover up sexual abuse of minors (and not just in the examples from the videos), cover up sex trafficking, give medically incorrect counsel, accept racist donations, lie about their services in part so that they may gin up support, and worse, lie about the safety of abortion.
Planned Parenthood and its supporters have defended the organization time and time again, but people are noticing. Live Action’s recent SexEd project has gotten much attention from the media. And although such a bill has yet to become federal law, our House of Representatives has voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood. On the other hand, many state legislatures have successfully defunded Plannd Parenthood. American voters and politicians alike are realizing the nefarious practices of not just abortion itself, but the deceit of the industry as well. And it’s all because of the industry’s own doing.
Let’s tie this back to abortion itself, though. Why is Planned Parenthood so bad? In part because of the examples of the abuses and scandals they are involved in mentioned above, which is by no means a full and complete list. It’s because affiliates perform abortion. What is abortion? Abortion terminates a woman’s pregnancy by ending the life of her child. Considering that science shows us that life begins at conception, abortion is murder. Planned Parenthood is literally getting away with murder then. Abortion just happens to be legalized killing.
There are those of us who already have the inclination that abortion is wrong, and that it is a terrible evil. Others don’t come to that conclusion until later on in life once they’ve examined the facts. Unfortunately there are those who don’t realize the true nature until he or she has had an experience with abortion which was regretted. But that inclination or realization is made because of what abortion is.
Again, abortion is evil. There are many of us who already know this. And for those who do not yet know, because they have not yet seen the truth, may very likely come to do so with the kind of trap the abortion industry is setting for itself and the practice of killing being defended.