Do you know what upsets TV host Joy Behar? If not, then don’t worry. She’ll tell you.
She certainly told Jeb Bush. In October, Bush made the mistake of saying actress Melissa Benoist was “pretty hot.” Behar wasn’t amused, and accused him of “objectifying women.” Behar went on to complain that “talking about women’s looks” is something she doesn’t want to hear politicians doing. She doesn’t mind doing it herself, though.
On an episode of The View, Behar likened presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s face to “a Halloween mask,” with co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Michelle Collins joking that she seemed “demented.” Granted, the cast did more than demean Fiorina’s physical appearance; on another episode, they also took time to debate with her. They just did a lousy job of it.
When the former CEO mentioned Planned Parenthood’s record of harvesting fetal organs and performing late-term abortions, Goldberg and Behar said she was lying (the facts say otherwise). They also suggested her support for defunding Planned Parenthood shows Fiorina doesn’t care about the poor. Goldberg declared that “the only women who are really affected by Planned Parenthood are women who are low income.”
With all due respect to Ms. Goldberg, this simply isn’t true. Planned Parenthood doesn’t just affect low income women–it hurts women from all backgrounds. What is true? That plans to defund the group would actually help those in tough circumstances.
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, and if you want to see how it harms women and girls, you don’t have to look hard. Gary Cross didn’t. Cross brought his 13 year-old stepdaughter to Planned Parenthood after he impregnated her. She was well below the age of consent, but that didn’t prompt staff to contact law enforcement. They set her up for an abortion instead, allowing the abuse to continue undetected.
Fellow child rapist Timothy Smith, John Blanks, Jr., Adam Gault, Joseph Coles, Kevon Walker, Edgar Ramirez and Denise Fairbanks’ father also received assistance from Planned Parenthood. Accused serial rapist Tyler Kost apparently got a hand without even knowing it.
One of Kost’s alleged victims says that when she went to Planned Parenthood, a staff member told her reporting the rape would require too much paperwork. Local law enforcement claim an investigation could have been opened months earlier if only a report had been filed.
But it doesn’t stop there. Planned Parenthood staff have also been caught offering to commit gendercide , cooperate with racists, and arrange abortions for child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”
Nevertheless, Planned Parenthood continues to collect more than half a billion dollars in annual taxpayer funding. This is despite the fact the that when it comes to offering medical treatment, there’s a much better alternative.
Across America, over thirteen thousand federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) offer care to those with limited means. They serve almost twenty three million people–more than 8 times the number seen by Planned Parenthood. They also offer a broader range of services: while FQHCs performed in excess of five hundred thousand mammograms, Planned Parenthood provided women with none.
Pro-lifers on Capitol Hill want to improve access to health care by redirecting Planned Parenthood’s funding to FQHCs. Unfortunately, President Obama (of whom the cast of The View are big fans) has said it isn’t going to happen.
If you’re not happy with that then Live Action has a petition you can sign. And if you’d like to find an FQHC, visit The site is equipped with a search tool along with a map showing the locations in your state.
There’d be even more of those locations if the president and his pro-abortion allies quit standing in the way. Because as you can see, defunding Planned Parenthood clearly will have an impact on “low income” women: it’ll help them.