Today is World Down Syndrome Day – a day to celebrate the lives of those who have an extra 21st chromosome!
Babies with Down Syndrome are in terrible danger today, as about 92% of those diagnosed before birth are aborted. Children with Down Syndrome are very near and dear to my heart, and it makes me sick to think that such a huge number are aborted simply because they have an extra chromosome. How sick is our world that “imperfect” people are not seen as fully human? (Reminds me of the Jewish Holocaust, where people were killed simply because they were not “perfect.”)
Please take a few minutes to watch this beautiful video with messages from parents of children with Down Syndrome. It is heartwarming to see the joy and unconditional love of parents with children who have that little extra chromosome, and who recognize that Down Syndrome doesn’t change the fact that every life deserves a lifetime. Share the video, and spread the word that all life is beautiful: extra chromosome or not!