Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author.
It is Women’s History Month, when we spotlight the tremendous contributions that women have made throughout history. Yet, while we celebrate for an entire month the achievements of women, the abortion industry destroys many women before they are even out of the womb. But this year is different; there is hope for the possible reversal of Roe v. Wade.
This year, I am choosing to concentrate on a group of nameless, courageous women who are empowering themselves and their lives as they choose life.
I am honoring the women who reached out for help before that abortion appointment happened — the ones that took their fear, and told it to “hold on a minute” while they had a conversation to see if there was a better option. The ones who cried at the “positive” that popped up on the pregnancy test yet knew that destroying that life was not the option for them no matter how hard the road would be. The ones who stood on the threshold of the abortion appointment and turned away. The ones who were pro-abortion and worked within the abortion industry only to learn that this was not the “empowerment of women” as they had believed. The ones who woke up to the lies.
These are the stories that only a few get to hear. They are the stories that are shared within only a few circles. These are the truly empowered women that walk among us every day. They are the living embodiment of strength, faith, courage, and hope. They are the few that took the road less traveled in our “take the easy street” society. They are the ones who juggle the trials of raising a child while living in less-than-ideal circumstances because they valued their lives and the life of their unborn baby. They are the ones who understood, before the abortion, that they were created with the power to form a sacred, human life.
Many of us were not so lucky and live with the regret of our abortions every day. We look to these nameless, faceless women and we feel fortunate that our children, and theirs, can grow up hearing the story of how they protected and nurtured the life of their unborn daughters so that they may have the chance to grow into the women leaders we all long for in the future.
READ: ‘A God that does not waste anything’: Toni’s story of post-abortion healing
This month, let’s celebrate the women who have worked and currently continue to work tirelessly within the pro-life movement. Their individual achievements within this movement are largely unseen but have worked to undo the powerful lies the abortion industry has been operating under. Many women exist within this movement making lasting impacts on one another, and children’s lives across the world. They do not fold under the pressure that the abortion industry enacts upon society. They are rewarded for their steadfastness by seeing the children born to mothers who thought they would not be able to claim the achievement of motherhood.
Within this movement, or maybe even circling in silence are those that are as I once was — a silent shell of a woman walking inside her own regret and misery over having taken the life of her unborn child. I believed the lies that the abortion industry served. “I’d ruin my life with this child.” The rhetoric of the abortion industry played within me as I struggled with my teen pregnancy. There was no one there in my life to counter those lies. I share more of my story in “Redeemed: My Journey After Abortion.” I wish there had been a voice or voices shouting the truth as loudly as I heard the lies.
I’ve made it a mission to spread awareness to any who may be sitting in the same position I was in at 18 years old. In fact, there are already so many women out there doing this. They are bringing the truth to the ears of our youth. They are raising awareness for women young and old. They are bringing the true spirit of empowerment, self-esteem, self-awareness, and life to everyone within their path. The contributions to our history that these women have made and continue to make are life-changing for those in their path — certainly for those who are allowed to live because of these women’s pro-life work.
In recent years, science has been embraced by the pro-life movement in a much stronger way. An article written by Emma Green in The Atlantic states, “[I]n recent years, pro-life activists have been more successful in using that tool to shift the terms of the policy debate.” She goes on to discuss other ways scientific advances are being used to better inform the public about abortion. To me, this means those of us within the pro-life movement continue to effect change. We continue to reach the pregnant women who are in need of our voices.
For Women’s History Month this year, I call on you all to join me in celebrating the many, many voices that stand united within the pro-life movement — those that are here, those that have passed, and the voices of tomorrow. May we cherish the contributions these women have made, often at the expense of public ridicule for speaking their pro-life truth. May we remember the necessity of this work and persevere in it. May we all continue to spread awareness, empowerment, healing, and support to all those in need.
Thank you to all the women who have made contributions in this area. I may not know your name or face, but your legacy has given and continues to give us all courage to continue to fight for life today.

Toni McFadden
Bio: Toni McFadden is a pro-life activist and the author of Redeemed: My Journey After Abortion,
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