The United Nations Commission on Population and Development has concluded without producing an outcome document, thanks to opposition from the United States and all 54 countries that make up the African group. The refusal to accept the document involved sovereignty and the push for abortion “rights” within the document.
The theme of this year’s panel was migration, and the African group successfully lobbied for more expansive migrant rights. Developing countries can gain funding if the document passes, showing just how seriously the African group took their concerns about sovereignty and abortion. The African nations wanted language that would have protected their rights to choose their own policies on controversial issues like abortion, which the African group specifically mentioned as having too many references in the document. The United States likewise was concerned about the push for abortion within the document.
READ: Melinda Gates pushes for more ‘family planning’ in developing countries
The United Nations has a history of pushing for family planning and eugenics in countries across the world, including in Africa. The United Nations Population Fund is dedicated to spreading contraception and abortion throughout developing countries, particularly in Africa and Asia. More developed countries and non-profit organizations dedicate millions of dollars to curb births in these countries; interestingly, as African countries want to see migrants’ rights expanded, it is because of migrations that some politicians seek to prevent babies in developing countries from being born. “If the population growth in Africa continues as now, the African population will double from 1.2 billion people to 2.5 billion people by 2050,” claimed Danish politician Ulla Tornae. “Part of the solution to reducing migratory pressures on Europe is to reduce the very high population growth in many African countries,” she said, adding that decreasing the African population was a foreign and security policy priority for the Danish government.
Other countries have likewise called for a decrease in African births, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on “family planning” over the next several years in Africa and other developing countries.
But as African pro-life activist and biomedical scientist Obianuju Ekeocha has eloquently argued, African women do not want the contraceptives and abortion being pushed on them by the United Nations, even going so far as calling it “colonization.” “Well, that’s kind of a western solution, isn’t it?” Ekeocha said in a debate with a BBC anchor. “If you speak to the ordinary woman on the streets of Africa, what is she asking for? She’s asking for food. She’s asking for water. She’s asking for basic health care. And contraception continues to be about the last thing she would ever think of.”
“Someone from a western organization — one of these western organizations in Africa — came and put IUDs into [African women] and told them this is what you need to come out of poverty,” she continued. “That is not what African women need. That is not the single indicator to come out of poverty. What Africans need is education, and opportunities, and good government.” Some of Ekeocha’s remarks on colonization can also be seen in the video below:
It’s also worth acknowledging that the United Nations Population Fund is believed to be complicit with China’s oppressive One-Child Policy, which has led to massive human rights abuses. By refusing to agree to this document, Africa is taking a stand — a stand against bureaucratic overreach, and a stand for life.