As the abortion industry continues to insist on making the abortion pill as available as possible, warning signs continue to mount. Two such examples come from the United Kingdom, as politicians continue to push amendments that would further radicalize abortion laws in the country.
A series of problems with sending abortion pills by mail was recently highlighted by The Sun. Nine women received abortion pills through the mail, all past the 10-week limit. One of the women was actually 28 weeks pregnant—a month past the United Kingdom’s abortion limit—and gave birth to a stillborn baby. While the details of this particular case are not known—including whether the woman lied about her baby’s gestational age, or if the facility knew she was past the 24-week abortion limit—this was an illegal abortion.
Babies born at 28 weeks have an estimated 80 to 90% survival rate, if not higher.
In addition to an illegal abortion causing the death of this viable baby, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) has distributed the abortion pill by mail to at least nine other women past the 10-week abortion pill limit.
“The ‘pills by post’ system has been brought in but a 40-minute phone call can never be the same as a proper medical consultation,” a whistleblower told The Sun. “There needs to be a proper investigation to find out just what went wrong.”
A mystery client survey from Christian Concern, inspired by the information released in The Sun, also found abuses in the distribution of abortion pills. Volunteers called abortion businesses, presenting themselves as pregnant and seeks abortions.
READ: Alarming ‘no test’ abortion pill protocol: No ultrasounds, no labs, and just take women’s best guess
Four of the volunteers were 10 weeks pregnant when they called the abortion businesses, Marie Stopes International and BPAS. The limit for at-home abortions is recommended to be 9.6 weeks, yet the callers were able to receive the abortion pill packets in the mail just days later. Another caller was on the cusp of the abortion pill limit, and contacted the facility to order the abortion pills, for which the facility had no comment. Then she realized they would insist that she come into the facility, so she called back again and changed the date of her last menstrual period. This raised no alarms; the facility just accepted the new date, and the volunteer received the pills in the mail the next week.
Another volunteer had a 15-year-old daughter who was pregnant, and wanted her to be able to have an abortion without leaving any record of it or getting authorities involved. The woman called and ordered the abortion pills, pretending she was the one who was pregnant, and received them in the mail with the intention of giving them to her daughter.
Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, called for an end to the pills-by-post system. “We’re simply asking, based on the BPAS disclosure to The Sun on May 22, that there were already eight cases where women were beyond the ten-week limit, and from our own study, how many more women have obtained and self-administered the abortion pills in breach of the regulations?” she said. “We are for the women and we are trying to point out legitimate concerns about telemedicine services related to legal compliance, client safety, and quality of care. These women need better client-centred counselling and a face-to-face consultation in which they can be assessed by a service provider before giving their consent to this procedure. A rushed telephone call, by voice only, is not the quality of care which these women deserve.”
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