A Texas abortion facility which is a member of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) has been fined over $20,000 for a number of serious health violations found during a state inspection. The Houston Women’s Clinic, located at 4820 San Jacinto in Houston, opened in 1976 and commits abortions up to 16 weeks. It is operated by abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld. A second doctor, Yuri Nosaville, M.D., is listed on the clinic’s medical history forms.

Houston Women’s Clinic abortion clinic NAF member (Screen captured Sept 25, 2018)
Rosenfeld, who owns the Houston Women’s [abortion] Clinic and offers tubal reversals out of a second location, has been committing abortions since 1971. He was recently “honored” by the pro-abortion Lilith Fund and his website claims he is “on staff at Texas Women’s and St. Luke’s Hospitals in the Texas Medical Center.”

Texas abortion doctor Bernard Rosenfeld (Screen from: Lilth Fund video)
In 2015, the Texas Medical Board filed a board action against Rosenfeld which indicated that the abortionist failed to register his facility with the Texas Department of State Health Services. LifeSiteNews reported, “The Texas Alliance for Life said its offices had been ‘tipped off by a local pro-life leader’ that Rosenfeld had been performing abortions, not only at Houston Women’s Clinic — which advertises itself as ‘among the best abortion clinics in Houston’ — but in his private medical office. He even advertised his private abortion services online.”
As a result, the State Board ordered him to complete eight hours of continuing medical education and remove any advertisements for abortions services from his website.

Abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld complaint Texas Medical Board
The next year (2016), Rosenfeld’s Houston abortion facility was inspected by the state.
The findings, which are eerily similar to what was found inside the Gosnell House of Horrors abortion facility, include the abysmal treatment of a patient with post-abortion complications as well as serious infection control issues, may be an indication why the abortionist did not want to register his facility.

Abortionist Bernard Rosenfeld and the Houston Women’s Clinic staff (Image credit: Yelp)
According to the Order, obtained by Live Action News, an inspection of the abortion facility was performed in August of 2016 and by February of 2017, Houston Women’s Clinic or “Respondent” admitted to the violations and agreed to pay a substantial penalty of $20,300:

Houston Women’s Clinic abortion facility fined twenty thousand dollars by state health department
According to the Notice of Violations, Houston Women’s Clinic failed to:
- Meet at least quarterly to identify issues with respect to which quality assurance activities are necessary.
- Make available current/accurate information for visitors and patients on how to file complaints.
- Develop or implement a post-procedure infection monitoring policy.
- Conduct annual evaluations and infection control training.
- Maintain documentation of required laboratory testing and vaccinations of staff.
- Provide a safe and sanitary environment to protect the health and safety of patients and staff.
- Enforce infection control policies to minimize the transmission of infection.
- Properly package and document instruments to be sterilized.
- Use external chemical indicators.
- Follow manufacturer’s written instructions in sterilizing instruments.
- Provide and ensure proper and adequate storage of sterilized items.
- Document and maintains clinical records adequately.
- Develop and implement policies and procedures for patient post-procedure follow-up.
- Ensure that schedule II-V drugs were properly secured.
The document reveals the clinic also:
- Did not have records of making any post-procedure follow-up attempts on 11 patients.
- Had a lack of infection control training for six staff members.
- Had 22 instances of sterilization, sanitation and safety issues.
- The facility failed to safeguard against the proliferation of infection in three procedure rooms.
- The facility referred a patient who reported post-abortion complications to an emergency room and did not attempt to further inquire about her condition or confirm that she sought treatment.
The facility’s other abortionist, Yury Joseph Nosaville, has connections to the notorious abortionist dubbed “Texas Gosnell.”
In 2014, pro-life watchdog group Operation Rescue reported that Nosaville was working for abortionist Douglas Karpen. According to OR, Karpen’s “former abortion workers alleged that Karpen was intentionally killing babies born alive during abortions done beyond the legal limit by cutting their throats or twisting their heads nearly off their bodies.” [View report with photos — WARNING.]
An interview with the witnesses can be viewed below:
OR also reported that “Nosaville was known by some of Karpen’s staff as ‘Dr. Jab-and-Stab’ due to the way he apparently rushed roughly through abortion procedures.”
A patient review published at Vitals.com for Dr. Nosaville, which does not specify the location the patient visited, indicates there could be potential problems with his Nosaville’s quality of care. It reads in part:
[…]It was unpleasant to wait for over an hour past the appointment time seeing woman after woman arriving back dizzy after seemingly having had an abortion. The staff is hardly friendly…

Yury J Nosaville Review of Houston Women’s Clinic abortion (Image credit: Vitals.com)
In March of 2018, the state performed another inspection of the Houston Women’s Clinic and again found violations. The 23-page report is yet another indication that nothing has changed.
Tragically, the kind of violations found inside this Houston abortion facility are not unique. In 2016, Operation Rescue reviewed public documents and found that between August 2015 and June 2016, 16 of 17 Texas abortion facilities failed health and safety inspections.