Julie Burkhart, who worked many years ago with late-term abortionist George Tiller, recently appeared on MSNBC to discuss abortion after the fall...
For most people, it’s not a surprise that abortionists don’t garner a lot of respect. After all, most people think that abortion...
In 2009, Esquire reporter John H. Richardson wrote an article about late-term abortionist Warren Hern after touring Hern’s Boulder, Colorado, abortion facility. Richardson observed abortion workers...
Earlier this week, footage from the undercover abortion industry investigation conducted by the Center for Medical Progress was leaked by GotNews. The...
Late-term abortionist Dr. Warren Hern, who performs abortions in the second and third trimester in Boulder, Colorado, wrote an editorial some time...
Susan Robinson, one of the four late-term abortionists featured in the pro-abortion documentary After Tiller, complained that abortionists don’t get very much...
Four of the most notorious late-term abortionists in the United States — LeRoy Carhart, Warren Hern, Shelly Sella, and Susan Robinson —...
Abortion advocates are salivating over the darling of the Sundance Film Festival, pro-abortion film After Tiller. The film follows Shelly Sella, Warren...