On Tuesday, pro-abortion activists rallied outside the White House for the United State of Women White House summit, to protest President Barack...
Today’s lesson in how to distinguish honest and objective advocates from hopeless dogmatists: normally, if somebody gives you a binary choice, it...
Pro-abortion activists aren’t taking too kindly to Governor Mike Pence signing Indiana’s new law which bans abortions for genetic abnormalities, race, or sex. It...
Conservative pundit and Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro has done yeoman’s work in exposing the illogic of pro-abortion doctrine, and his latest...
The abortionistas at University of California-Berkeley have really outdone themselves this time: the student senate is demanding the school provide on-campus abortion,...
President Barack Obama has made clear he would rather shut down the federal government than defund Planned Parenthood. He hails abortion as...