It is no secret that President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are both friends of the abortion industry, especially of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. This is, of course, disheartening for the pro-life movement. Live Action founder and president Lila Rose recently shared ways the pro-life movement can move forward under what stands to be, quite possibly, the most pro-abortion presidential administration the United States has ever seen.
“It is more important than ever for the pro-life movement to focus on deep, uncompromising cultural progress as the foundation for authentic and long-lasting political successes,” said Rose in an Instagram post. “All our political success will be short term unless we base it in cultural breakthroughs. And cultural breakthroughs only happen when we do the hard, quiet work of education and service.”
The pro-life movement should place focus on educating young people on both abortion and on the value of the lives of all human beings. Education is a major factor in Live Action’s mission. Through investigations, videos, events, and articles, Live Action helps to open hearts and minds on what abortion is, how the abortion industry hurts women, and why all human life is valuable and worthy. Every time a pro-lifer shares a Live Action video or article, the truth is reaching a wider audience.
Support for women
Being pro-life means providing “compassionate, comprehensive care and support for women and families in need,” said Rose. Pro-life pregnancy centers and maternity homes depend on donations and fundraising to help women choose life for their babies with confidence. The abortion industry preys on women’s fears, but pro-lifers can offer hope and a brighter future by supporting the pregnancy centers and maternity homes that support women and families.
By building up communities to treat women with respect and to provide real support to underprivileged women and families, pro-lifers can help build a culture of life in which women are not expected to abort their babies.
READ: President-elect Biden once felt Roe v. Wade went ‘too far.’ Now, he intends to take it further.
Live the pro-life ethic
Pro-lifers must be committed to “treating every person as made in the image and likeness of God Himself — in how we speak, how we behave and how we live.” This includes our loved ones and neighbors, Rose explained, but it also includes women who have undergone abortions, abortion advocates, and abortion industry workers.
Post-abortive women are in need of healing and support, not condemnation, from pro-lifers. The trauma they have endured and the grief and heartbreak they live with are very real. To have the strength to share their stories they need support. Many of these women want to share their abortion experiences in order to help other women avoid abortion trauma, but are too ashamed to speak up. Their voices deserve to be heard, just as their children’s voices do.
Abortion advocates and abortion industry workers also deserve to be treated with respect. Their hearts and minds can be changed, with patience and consistent effort.
Elect pro-life politicians
Truly pro-life politicians exist in every political party. Building a culture of life and a pro-life society, said Rose, “means fighting for future candidates in future elections that are men and women of INTEGRITY, who will not compromise to permit the killing of children, and who will fight for complete legal protection for each and every one.”
“We have work in front of us,” explained Rose, “But mercifully, this work can begin with the simple tasks of how we live each day. […] We must be people of both hope and action. Hope in a future where abortion is eradicated and where our world is pro-life, from womb to tomb. And a radical, passionate commitment to the loving, daily actions that will make this hope reality.”
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