Pro-choice blooger “KYBorn” over at the abortion clinic escort blog Every Saturday Morning, wants you to believe that all women, even pro-life women, are just like Emily Letts, and we all need abortion.
Well I am not Emily Letts (the young woman who filmed her abortion), and I know millions of other women will agree that they are not Emily Letts either. It simply isn’t true that women need abortion. Women need a lot of things: compassion, commitment, support. But not one of them “need” an abortion.
Here are the scenarios KYBorn gives for women who need abortion and the reasons why she/he is wrong.
Women behave responsibly and need an abortion. This is ONLY because they view their child as an inconvenience and their fertility as a problem, rather than blessings. Or because someone is pressuring them to abort or telling them they are simply incapable of having a baby.
Women behave irresponsibly and need abortion. Same as above.
A married woman had an irresponsible fling outside of marriage and needs an abortion. Same as above with the addition of the fact that the only reason she would really “need” an abortion is to further cover up her lies and infidelity. Just ask Jill Marquis.
A woman just loses her job and needs an abortion. Is money really more important than your child’s life? This woman could find a new job at any given moment. Or she could seek financial support from friends and family (the same people pro-choice groups will tell her to turn to for help paying for her abortion). She can also get support from crisis pregnancy centers.
A woman needs an abortion because she doesn’t want any children. If she doesn’t want children, perhaps she should have had a more solid plan like abstinence or permanent birth control.
A woman already has 5 kids and can’t afford a 6th needs an abortion. No. She doesn’t need to kill her child. Again, money is not more important than a child’s life. What’s important is giving this woman the proper support she needs? And if she doesn’t think she can afford a 6th child, again, there are permanent birth control options.
A woman finds out her fetus is so malformed he won’t live 5 minutes, if he is born at all, needs an abortion. No. She doesn’t. She needs to opportunity to love her child just as he is. She needs to experience the moments after birth with him that are irreplaceable. She needs compassion and support. She doesn’t need someone to tell her that killing her baby is the only way.
A rape victim needs an abortion. Aborting a child conceived in rape will not erase the rape or take the emotional pain away. Ask a woman who has given birth to her rape conceived child. She will likely tell you how much joy that child has given her.
A woman whose body is worn out from childbirth needs an abortion. If a woman is so “worn out” from childbirth, she has the opportunity to use permanent birth control.
A woman taking teratogens needs an abortion. Teratogens exist in alcohol. I wonder how many mothers were drinking alcohol up until they discovered they were pregnant. Just because there is a chance of a birth defect doesn’t mean there will be a birth defect and definitely doesn’t mean you should abort your baby, even if she does have a birth defect.
Women who are a long past child-bearing years need abortions. Once a women goes through menopause, she can’t get pregnant.
No one needs an abortion. KYBorn is simply confused. Many pro-choicers like to say that no one wants an abortion. If that’s true, then for all of the women in all of the scenarios KYBorn gives, there isn’t a single women who would benefit more from an abortion than from someone lending her a helping hand. Whether that means assistance with health insurance, financial assistance, baby gear donations, or helping a woman place her child for adoption, there is always a better answer than abortion.