A Facebook page has shared a beautiful pro-life testimony of how a pregnancy resource center convinced a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy to choose life. “Humans of St. Louis” is a spin-off of the massively popular page “Humans of New York,” and recently featured the story of a young girl whose mother chose life at the age of 15, and all thanks to a simple mistake.
“My mom had me when she was 15,” the unnamed girl said in her interview with the site. “She wanted to have an abortion because she felt alone and helpless. So she went to schedule one but went to a pregnancy resource center on accident.”
Abortion facilities will often pressure women to abort or refuse to give them resources that might convince them to choose life. Women don’t seek out abortion because they just cavalierly feel like getting one; they do it because they think they have no other option. And this is exactly why pregnancy resource centers are so important — because they provide women with options that abortion counselors will not.
That was exactly the case for the mother of the young girl featured. “They said, ‘We can help you. You can tell your mom it’s going to be okay.’ And she decided to have me,” she said. And while raising a baby at the age of 15 was undoubtedly difficult, it has not kept the young girl from seeing a bright future. “I’m the first generation in my family to go to college,” she explained, and added that she hopes to give other women the same chance her mother was given. “I want to be an ultrasound tech so I can enable women to see images of their baby.”
It appears from the now-edited Facebook post that the posting of the pro-life story caused quite the controversy, with Humans of St. Louis stating:
… Like all the stories individuals share with us and allow to share with you, the hope is that the audience can use this as a platform for discussion and learning about each other. These people are people we met on the streets like we meet every day and featuring them and their views is meant to show humans in our city, like all our posts. We understand it is a sensitive topic, however, and we thank everyone who has shared your perspective. Hang with us and we’ll be sharing more stories from other perspectives.
This page is for all humans and not for any particular agenda. Most of all, we do not aim to invalidate or alienate anyone. Stick around and you will see more from other viewpoints. And feel free to share your own in the comments, your hurts, your views, your heart, your hopes….
The photoblog “Humans of New York” has likewise shared pro-life testimonies, with many of the subjects explaining how choosing life under difficult circumstances has not kept them from achieving their goals or providing for their children. A pregnancy does not have to force women into a terrible choice that all too often causes them pain and regret in the future. Women can instead be empowered to choose life, without sacrificing their dreams, too.
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