Monica was 25 years old and had known she was pregnant for more than a month before she took the abortion pill. Her abortion pill experience left her heartbroken as she saw her baby, who was much more than ‘pregnancy tissue.’
“My cramps didn’t start until I took the second set of pills,” she said. “It was my first time being pregnant, but I knew I was having contractions. I lay down in bed as soon as I felt the first one coming on. I was wearing nothing but a big T-shirt and diaper pad. Intense pain. Then it would go away. Then more pain. Each wave of cramping a little worse than the one before.”
Monica lay on the bed, balled up in pain, and yelled for her boyfriend to turn on the bath. She felt liquid “flood” her underwear and she got into the bath quickly with her clothes still on.
“Lying back in the tub, I felt some pressure release,” she explained. “Then I screamed. The fetus was — it was floating in the water. It was slightly smaller than the palm of my hand. And the fetus had a head, hands and legs, defined fingers and toes. I leapt from the bath and collapsed in my boyfriend’s arms.”
The abortion pill kills a human embryo typically through the use of two drugs: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone acts to block the naturally occurring pregnancy hormone progesterone, denying the child nutrients and essentially starving him or her. Misoprostol then causes the uterus to contract and expel the baby. Women are still giving birth — but to dead babies.
Monica later learned that her baby’s development matched that of a 13-week-old preborn child. The abortion pill was not approved at the time for use beyond 10 weeks (70 days), though it was originally only approved through seven weeks and this time limit was later expanded.

A miscarried baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy (gestational) – Getty Images
According to the Endowment for Human Development, at 13 weeks LMP (11 weeks post-fertilization), the preborn child’s face can make complex expressions, and her nose and lips are completely formed. It’s also possible to tell if the baby is a boy or a girl. By 13 weeks post-fertilization, her body is sensitive to touch, and she can bring her hands to touch her mouth. Though she is tiny with a crown-heel length of 12 centimeters and a head circumference of about 10 centimeters, her upper limbs have reached their final proportion.
If you have taken the first pill of the abortion pill regimen and you regret it, there may be a chance to save your baby by visiting or calling 855-209-4848.
Healthcare professionals can join the Abortion Pill Rescue Network by visiting this website.