The recent scandal regarding Planned Parenthood and their involvement in the sale of body parts from aborted babies is now affecting other organizations. Major companies including Coca-Cola, Xerox and Ford Motor Co. acted quickly to remove their names from Planned Parenthood’s list of corporate donors.
Now the March of Dimes has issued a statement that is not sitting well with its supporters.
After countless March of Dimes Facebook followers reacted with disappointment to the March of Dimes being listed as a supporter of Planned Parenthood, the non-profit wrote this statement:
To set the record straight, the March of Dimes does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. Additionally, the March of Dimes does not promote or fund abortion services, nor may foundation funds be used for directive counseling regarding abortion. Violation of this policy would be grounds for immediate cancellation of a grant or cooperative agreement.
Since 2007, five local March of Dimes chapters have given local grants to Planned Parenthood exclusively for prenatal education. In these communities, these are the only such services available to improve the health of low-income women and reduce the risk of birth defects, low birthweight, and prematurity in their babies.
While they seem to be attempting to distance themselves from the abortion giant, the March of Dimes completely contradicts itself by saying first that it “does not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood” but following it up with local “chapters have given local grants to Planned Parenthood.” Giving any money at all to Planned Parenthood, no matter what you believe that money is used for, equals support for the organization. Isn’t that a relationship?
Many March of Dimes supporters think so and lashed out at the organization whose slogan is “a fighting chance for every baby.”
Facebook commenters pointed out the hypocrisy and absurdity in the March of Dimes statement saying:
“MoD your post above is full of side stepping BS! Admit it! You’ve been caught red handed!”
“How do you know for sure that Planned Parenthood is using YOUR FUNDS in the way you want them too? Why would you even want to support them in anyway or have your organization be in association with them??? There are other organizations that can be used for prenatal education.”
“Low income women can go to their local ‘Health Department’. Far more numerous than PP. They offer the proper services without offering abortions! If you are ‘for’ babies as you say you are, stop all contributions to PP!!!!”
“If you know their main business is killing babies, why wouldn’t you change your support for prenatal care to a local pregnancy center instead? They Save Babies Lives!”
“If you give money to ISIS but stipulate you want it spent on dessert wine instead of bullets for Yazidi children, are you not culpable? It just provides more money for bloodshed.”
“If Hitler was the only guy in town with the means to instruct people about prenatal care would you also have given to him?”
Other commenters expressed that they were disappointed, shocked and saddened by the news that the March of Dimes does give money to Planned Parenthood. Many former supporters declared that they will never again give money to the March of Dimes unless they cut ties with Planned Parenthood on all levels.
The March of Dimes does support fetal tissue research, which is the basis for Planned Parenthood’s most recent scandal. Planned Parenthood executives have been videotaped discussing the sale of fetal organs and tissue from aborted babies, which is a felony.