EMW Women’s Surgical Center in Louisville, Kentucky, is the last remaining abortion facility in the state. Its sister center in Lexington closed down in 2017 because of unacceptable health conditions at the facility. Live Action News’ Carole Novielli noted in July, “A report written by the Lexington Herald in June of 2016 indicates that when inspectors visited on the Lexington facility on February 17 that year, ‘they reported that employees told them the clinic only performed abortions’ and they found ‘dirty conditions and expired medicine.’ News reports also indicate that state inspectors found unsanitary conditions.”
A law in Kentucky requires abortion facilities “to have transfer agreements with a hospital in the event of botched abortions or medical emergencies,” reported Live Action News’ Becky Yeh in September 2017. The law, according to an attorney for the state, is two decades old and has never been enforced, and every state in the area has laws like this one. Regardless, EMW, along with a Planned Parenthood facility in Louisville, sued the state and was granted “a temporary restraining order to stay open until a judge could decide on the matter.” According to the Daily Wire, this matter could be decided upon within a matter of weeks.
Unfortunately, the courts have a history of siding with the abortion industry over the safety of women. Even the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt decision, sided with the idea of “abortion access” even though the plaintiff, the Whole Woman’s Health abortion chain, has a long history of failed health inspections and health code violations.
EMW Women’s Surgical Center, as reported by Carole Novielli, “claimed in court that showing a woman the truth of the development of her baby would ‘send a message of disapproval’ about abortion.” In other words, “presenting the biological facts about the child’s current development and allowing the woman to hear the heartbeat” is something that this abortion business does not want to do, because, as Novielli states, “this information also reveals the truth — that the child in the womb is, indeed, a living human.”
The abortion industry, including EMW Women’s Surgical Center in Kentucky, profits when women are not fully informed about what abortion actually does to preborn children, or about its risks to women:
Other states with only one remaining abortion facility include Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming.