Dan and Rachel Marks are hoping to adopt a child, and they reached out to the fans of Planned Parenthood’s Facebook page in hopes of finding someone who might be looking to place their preborn child for adoption. Instead, they were verbally attacked by many pro-abortion PP supporters who believe abortion is a much better fate for a child than adoption.
The photo they posted is sweet and Rachel wrote underneath it, “All it takes is for one courageous mom to be a blessing to a family and change a baby’s life forever!”
In return, PP supporters called the couple “selfish a&$^%&#s,” and “baby buyer[s].”
Here is a screen shot of some of the comments (warning, profanity):
People in favor of abortion often accuse pro-lifers of being only “pro-birth” meaning that if you are pro-life all you care about is forcing women to give birth, not about what happens to mother or child after that. But when a couple steps up and proves that theory wrong, they are attacked instead of celebrated.
The truth is that pro-lifers are willing to help at all stages of life, and pro-abortionists refuse to see it.
Yet, besides reaching out and adopting children in need of homes, pro-lifers are actively opening pregnancy centers that help women receive the resources and care that they need, not just during pregnancy, but throughout the young child’s life as well. Life Choices Women’s Center in Altamonte Springs, FL for example, helps young parents to get necessary products such as cribs and clothing up until their child is five years old. The center has even helped parents find work.
In addition, groups like Embrace Grace and Teen Mother Choices International help women long after they have given birth. They work with churches to equip them with the knowledge and understanding to help young, single mothers who have chosen life. They offer spiritual and emotional support to girls who otherwise feel alone in their motherhood journey while also helping with practical support.
Adoption offers life and love to a child who otherwise may have been killed through abortion or abandoned at birth. Adoption offers couples like the Markses the opportunity to provide a home for children who are deserving of life and love.
Planned Parenthood has since removed this thread from their Facebook page.