In the wake of the tragic shooting last Friday at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, it’s unfortunate (but not unexpected, given the current political climate) that the pro-life movement has been blamed in one form or another.
We’ve seen it from politicians as well as from the mainstream media.
One glaring example comes from Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is running for president as a Democrat.
I strongly support Planned Parenthood and its work and hope people realize that bitter rhetoric can have unintended consequences.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) November 28, 2015
There’s no mistaking Sanders’ claim – that the supposedly “bitter rhetoric” from pro-lifers, even though “unintended,” led to the tragic shooting.
Addicting Info was all too happy to agree with Sanders, with a piece that same day by Jameson Parker, “Sanders Finally Said What No Politician Dared: Right’s Rhetoric Fostered Planned Parenthood Shooting.”
Not limited to 140 characters of a tweet, Parker spelled it out even more that “while standing up for Planned Parenthood, [Sanders] blasted Republicans for their ugly rhetoric.”
Parker also wrote (with original emphasis):
While most politicians hedge their bets and refuse to call this act of terrorism an act of terrorism, Bernie Sanders just pointed out the elephant in the room. His refusal to pretend the elephant is not there means the rest of us can’t do so either. So let’s face it: Right-wing hate speech bears some responsibility for what happened in Colorado Springs. To think that Republicans could continously [sic] slander Planned Parenthood with lies comparing them to “baby killers” and murderers and not provoke a violent response from some of their least stable supporters is lunacy. Words have consequences.
Actually, what’s “lunacy” is Parker’s certainty in his claim. Those who are truly pro-life, with Parker singling out Republicans, are peaceful people who understand that such violence is counter-intuitive to our name.
We can encourage peace, which we do, and denounce such violence, as we do. But the actions of a deeply disturbed man who is unaffiliated with a pro-life group is sadly not in our control. It’s in no one’s control but his own.
It is also worth repeating that the shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, is not a Republican – something many in the mainstream media are loathe to point out.
Parker also takes the following shots against Republicans:
Republicans who had hoped they could score cheap political points by spreading lies about Planned Parenthood (We’re looking at you Mike Huckabee) have been put on notice. You need to OWN this tragedy. Pro-life? Not when it comes to spreading dangerous ideas about a group of doctors and nurses whom you happen to disagree with.
It’s nice to see that there is at least one politician out there who isn’t afraid to call out the Republican hate machine that peddles in this sort of thinly-disguised violent rhetoric.
As if to demonstrate their guilt, the entire Republican presidential field has been uncomfortably silent in the wake of the shooting spree. No calls for prayer. No condolences to the victims. Just deadening silence. It’s almost as if their consciences are feeling an unsettling twinge deep inside their chests and they don’t know what to make of it. Guilt will do that.
While Parker specifically mentions Huckabee by name, he doesn’t bother to mention the “lies” Huckabee supposedly told. Parker’s bias (which he’s clearly not trying to hide) indicates that he’s not willing to look at Planned Parenthood, abortion, or Huckabee objectively at all. As Live Action News explains here and here, it’s not a “lie” to say that abortion kills. It’s not a “lie” to say that Planned Parenthood harvests body parts: both of these facts have been admitted by the abortion giant itself.
Additionally, Parker literally lied when he stated that their had been “no calls for prayer” and only “uncomfortable silence” from the “entire Republican presidential field.” Hours before Parker published his article, one of the current front runners – Ted Cruz – had posted this tweet:
Praying for the loved ones of those killed, those injured & first responders who bravely got the situation under control in Colorado Springs
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 28, 2015
Ironic, that Parker wants to accuse pro-lifers and the Republican field of lies while he can’t even be bothered to check the facts for himself.
While Parker generalizes and calls out the emotions of an entire political party, based on their pro-life views, he never once acknowledges that perhaps he should feel guilt himself – for spewing such unproven nonsense.