During CNN’s latest Democrat presidential debate Thursday night, Hillary Clinton used a question about replacing Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court as a springboard to demand that the media give pro-abortion arguments more attention.
“We’ve had eight debates before, this is our ninth,” the former First Lady, New York Senator, and Obama Secretary of State said. “We’ve not had one question about a woman’s right to make her own decisions about reproductive health care, not one question and in the meantime, we have states, governors doing everything they can to restrict women’s rights.”
Clinton went on to criticize her opponent, self-described socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, for suggesting the media paid too much attention to Donald Trump’s remarks about punishing women for abortions (which he quickly walked back).
“I don’t think it’s a distraction,” Clinton said, claiming abortion “goes to the heart of who we are as women,” and “we need to be talking about that and defending Planned Parenthood from these outrageous attacks.” Clinton and Sanders both have 100 percent pro-abortion voting records and platforms.
NARAL has also called for more abortion questions in Democrat debates. Pro-lifers agree, but for a different reason: to confront pro-abortion candidates about their support for abortion-on-demand at any point in pregnancy and for any reason.
According to Marist’s latest annual survey, 61% of Americans oppose abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy and 68% oppose taxpayer funding of abortion. Clinton and Sanders support both of those policies.