Today, the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives released a gruesome journal of “Procurement Notes,” which was given to the Panel by the University of New Mexico. The notes were made by a lab technician who was employed by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. UNMHSC partnered with the Southwestern Women’s Options abortion facility and would send a tech over to collect aborted babies and their body parts.
In explicit detail, the journal describes various body parts of aborted babies and, in some cases, what happened to them.
Perhaps the most disturbing revelation to come from the journal is a description of baby brains that were passed on to someone who wanted to use them at a youth summer camp.
The journal notes:
5-24-12 “Asked clinic for digoxin treated tissue 24-28 wks. for methylation study & because [redacted] wants whole, fixed brains to dissect w/ summer camp students.”
While details about the summer camp and the students remain scarce, the horror of having young people handle and cut into the brains of aborted, likely viable babies – possibly without their knowledge – is hardly conceivable.
UNMHSC offers the Dream Makers Health Careers Program, in which it “provides middle and high school students with unique opportunities to gain exposure to the many possibilities in the health professions while enhancing their science and math skills.” According to UNMHSC’s website, this includes “dissection of various specimens.”
The journal continues in a similarly horrifying fashion, describing triplets, twins, and babies past the point of viability.
12.7 week triplets. Three eyes, used two, 2 heart, lung, brain.
DIG. Clinic labeled 28 week.
26+ DIG – intact head. Clinic thought 30 wk; Researcher #1 thought 32.
20 wk twins – intact brains
brain, 2 eyes, heart [from a 24 week old]
24 wk dig. head not intact
The journal notes a “30.5 wks” baby who was “intact – did not dissect.” “Twins = 1 w/ clubbed feet” are mentioned, and the weight of their brains calculated.
“Dig” is shorthand for digoxin, a drug that is sometimes injected into the hearts or bodies of late-term babies as part of the abortion. Digoxin can be used as a feticide, as it causes the fetal heart to stop, killing the child. A 25-week-old baby is described as “treated with digoxin, skin loose, eyes discolored red” due to the effects of the drug that killed her.
The video below demonstrates, through medical animation, what happens in an abortion using digoxin:
Many believe digoxin enables a baby to stay intact, but this is hardly always true. As the journal describes, at 21.5 weeks, even though digoxin had been used, there were “tiny bits of brain tissue everywhere.” Late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart has referred to babies who are poisoned with digoxin as “meat in a crockpot.”
While it is sometimes thought that babies in the first trimester are not harvested for their body parts and organs, the procurement notes prove this false. Brains, hearts, lungs, and eyes from 10-12 week old babies are noted all throughout the journal. The journal also reveals that a “tiny bit of brain” from a 10.4 week old “grew wonderfully!!” In the case of one first trimester baby, the notes state that only “1 leg” could be found.
“10 weeks 2 eyes – [redacted] will try! One entire Retina! & pieces of the other”
One 15-week-old was so broken up that the technician notes they “could not find anything.” Other disturbing details include:
12.3 week, Skin from back/shoulder
19.2 week, Skin from one arm (forearm)
One notation speaks of “meconium shipped” to an undisclosed location. It appears the meconium (the “first feces of a newborn infant”) was taken from 16.7- and 15.6-week-old babies. Meconium is usually only present if a baby has been in distress or has been born alive.
The tech also makes it clear when they were excited or disappointed with the body parts that were harvested. “Stomach broken – no panc” (short for pancreas) was written with a frowning face. Then, “ENTIRE PANCREAS – whoo hoo!!” appears.
Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, released a statement:
“The select panel’s gruesome discovery that summer camp students were given whole brains of viable aborted children to dissect shows the barbaric nature of the abortion industry and the total disrespect for basic human rights that its allies share. At 24-28 weeks old, many of these babies could have survived outside the womb; instead, they were aborted by Southwestern Women’s Options and their body parts given to students to carve up. This unimaginable inhumane activity — as well as Southwestern Women’s Options and the University of New Mexico, which facilitated it — must be unanimously condemned.
As horrific as this is, we must admit that it’s no stretch for an industry to traffick in the bodies of the children it kills — after all, the killing and dismembering of these viable children in utero is the greater crime against humanity. The piecemealing and experimentation on their corpses adds insult to the already grave human rights injury of abortion.”