Data from the CDC reveals horrifying abortion numbers from New York City. The city already boasts of one of the highest abortion rates in the country, and the governor of the state notoriously affirmed that pro-lifers are not welcome. But the newest statistics are shocking: 78% of the abortions in New York City were of black and Hispanic babies.
The Abortion Surveillance report published by the CDC, for which the latest abortion numbers are for 2011, show there were 76,251 abortions in New York City that year.
For that total, 9,550 abortions were of white babies, which is 12.5% of the total; 35,188 babies were black (46.1% of total); 23,959 were Hispanic (31.4%); and another 7,554 “other” abortions, 9.9%, which includes Asians and Native Americans, as well as those babies not reported by race.
Abortions of black and Hispanic babies combined totaled 59,147 – that is 77.56% of the total abortions in NYC.
Blacks consist of only 25.5% of the population of New York City, and Hispanics make up 28.6%. Whites, though 44% of the population, account for 12.5% of abortions in New York City. Black babies, however, are aborted at the highest rate, and make up 46.1% of abortions in New York City, with Hispanic babies ranking second, at 31.4%.
Ironically, Planned Parenthood has joined the #BlackLivesMatter protest. The abortion giant’s campaign is egregious, considering the fact that more black babies were aborted in New York City than were born. In addition, taxpayers are footing the bill for a new Planned Parenthood mega clinic in the city, and the abortion giant has even agreed to accept donations specifically earmarked for the abortions of black babies. Since when has Planned Parenthood ever cared about black lives?
Also concerning is the total number of abortions in New York City. There were 76,251 babies killed by abortion in New York City alone — more than any other state reporting to the CDC. The state of California refuses to report abortion statistics to the CDC, otherwise it would rank first.
The state of Texas reported the next highest abortion rate, with 71,658 abortions – although the population-weighted abortion rate in the state is below the national average. If you combine the number of abortions in New York City with the abortions in the state of New York, the numbers exceed 100,000, which makes it the highest in the country by far. It’s a frightening notion to consider that tanning salons are inspected more often than abortion clinics are in New York City. In addition to the tens of thousands of unborn lives taken, how many women are injured at these clinics?
While this news is horrific , it is not surprising. Andrew Cuomo, along with Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby, have been working hard to make New York City the abortion capital of the world. So far, they’re succeeding — at the expense of minority women and babies.