On Wednesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the most significant abortion case before the high court in 20 years. The case, which revolves around a Texas law regulating abortion facilities, will have national implications, and may determine if states have the right to pass legislation requiring the abortion industry to adopt basic health and safety standards.
In some states, tanning salons and pizza parlors are more inspected than abortion facilities. While no woman and her preborn child is safe inside an abortion clinic, the following quotes affirm why the abortion industry must be regulated.
1.”A row of jars contains the severed feet of fetuses.”
Notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted for killing three infants and is currently serving a prison sentence, ran a decades-long abortion chop shop under the radar. Gosnell, who snipped the necks of his abortion victims with scissors, joked about killing infants, and ran a facility filled with cat feces and blood-splattered blankets without inspection for nearly 20 years. The grand jury report details horrific testimonies surrounding Gosnell’s Philadelphia “House of Horrors.”
There is blood on the floor. A stench of urine fills the air. A flea-infested cat wanders through the facility, and there is cat feces on the stairs. Semi-conscious women scheduled for abortions are moaning in the waiting room or the recovery room, where they sit on dirty recliners covered with blood-stained blankets. A row of jars contains the severed feet of fetuses.
2. “…deliver the babies feet first with the toes wiggling…”

Douglas Karpen
Deborah Edge, a surgical assistant for abortionist Douglas Karpen, who ran an unregulated abortion mill in Houston, Texas, described horrifically how Karpen would kill newborn babies born alive.
She described how some babies would emerge too soon and would be alive, moving, and breathing. She also told of how Karpen would sometimes deliver the babies feet first with the toes wiggling until he stabbed them with a surgical implement. At the moment the toes would suddenly splay out before going limp. Sometimes he would kill the babies by ‘twisting the head off the neck,’ according to Edge.
But not all the babies came out intact. When there was difficulty, Karpen would dismember them, a process that was, according to the surgical assistant Deborah Edge, a bloody mess.
‘Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out,’ she explained. ‘He would yank pieces – piece by piece – when they were oversize. And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.’
3. “Babies were stacked like cordwood.”
Norma Mc Corvey, also known as “Jane Roe” in the 1973 Roe v. Wade case, described horrific conditions inside the abortion facility where she worked. Mc Corvey details the rampant drug use among workers and the unsanitary conditions in her book “Won by Love: Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade Speaks Out for the Unborn as She Shares her New Conviction for Life.”
Sinks were backed up- in a reputed medical clinic no less- and blood splatters stained the walls. The “parts room” where we kept the aborted babies was particularly heinous. No one liked to be in there to do their business, much less to clean the place, and since no patients were allowed back there, it was pretty much left to ruin. If a baby didn’t make it into a bucket, that was too bad; it was left to lay there.
Other babies were stacked like cordwood once every body part had been accounted for…the room smelled awful. We used Pine Sol because of its strong antiseptic smell, but within hours the cleaning mixture was overpowered by the smell of medical waste and rot- which explains why the rats were so eager to visit us every night.
4. “Roaches crawling across the countertops.”
Police officer William Howard Jr. gave the following testimony about Dr. Krishna Rajanna’s Kansas abortion facility.
Trash was everywhere and roaches crawling across the countertops, with a smell of stench in the room. My partner observed the procedure room was filthy; he told me he saw dried blood on the floor and the room looked nasty to him. In a statement to me, one witness related how Rajanna was a filthy man who did not properly sterilize his equipment.
5. “The freezer… had blood and un-bagged conception material.”
Reports made on abortion facilities in the state of Virginia showed disturbing findings that ring similar to Gosnell’s “House of Horrors.” In the report, nine of 20 abortion centers applying for licensing had been inspected by the state’s Department of Health, and none had been found “deficiency free.”
The freezer which is used to store the collected conception material, had blood and un-bagged conception material frozen to the inner bottom surface. An observation was conducted of the freezer kept in the clean utility room. Staff #3 reported after inspection of the conception material, it was poured into plastic storage bags and the bags are stored in the freezer until the next weekly medical waste pick up. The observation revealed that some of the plastic bags were open and had spilled their contents onto the bottom of the freezer. Approximately three-fourths of the freezer’s bottom and shelf was covered with frozen blood and conception material.