Add your name now to stop the persecution of pro-Life Americans and urge Congress to repeal the FACE Act!

As you read this, 14 pro-life Americans are facing up to 11 years in prison.

Many of them are mothers, fathers, and grandparents – people like you who care deeply about innocent children.

The Department of Justice is persecuting pro-life Americans under the FACE Act – a law that the Biden administration has weaponized to jail pro-life Americans who peacefully protest at abortion facilities.

The FACE Act must be repealed. Will you add your name to this growing petition urging Congress to repeal this dangerous law? If we don’t act now, Big Abortion and its allies will forever silence pro-life free speech.

We can’t underscore this enough: the six pro-life activists who were recently found “guilty” of conspiracy and violating the FACE Act were simply praying and singing at an abortion facility. They weren’t engaged in “violent speech” or “hate.” They were expressing their love for preborn children and the moms scarred by abortion. 

Free speech is the cornerstone of a free society, and this frightening and unjust attack is pure political persecution of pro-life people.

Stand up for free speech and the rights of these pro-life heroes by calling on Congress to repeal the FACE Act before more pro-life people are arrested.

We have the online reach to mobilize pro-life people to act, But we can’t do this alone. Can you sign the petition right now and urge Congress to repeal the FACE Act? Use this short, secure form to add your name and demand an end to this persecution. 

Sign the petition.


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