The latest undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress shows a top Planned Parenthood employee boasting about the large research department at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
Yet, days before the video came out, Planned Parenthood told the public a blatant lie.
Posted by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast on Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Oh really? Really?
Clearly, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s message crafters need to get a little closer with PPGC’s Melissa Farrell, the Director of Research.
This large and wealthy Planned Parenthood affiliate has indeed been “participat[ing] in fetal tissue donation or research.” Planned Parenthood can tell bald-faced lies as often as it wants in the public eye, but that doesn’t hide the truth that’s evident behind the scenes.
Farrell said on tape:
[W]here we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many, many, many years.
You know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates combined.
So much for “not participating.”
Farrell also specifically admitted that PPGC’s own abortionists have been conducting their own research on the babies they abort at Planned Parenthood:
Farrell: “Because some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it [deliver the fetus intact] in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.
Buyer: “The doctors were also doing research?”
Farrell: “Mhm.”
Buyer: “Oh wow.”
Farrell: “Yeah.”
If this isn’t a monstrous conflict of interest which puts women’s health and safety at great risk – all for the purpose of an abortionist collecting his perfect specimen – what is?
Imagine a PPGC abortionist having this conversation with a woman:
“During your abortion, I’ll be changing my method and probably delivering your baby intact. She will probably be alive, but don’t worry, I can cause fetal demise outside the womb, too. Why am I doing this? Well, honestly, because I have this research study I’m personally participating in. I need a perfect specimen: your ‘product of conception,’ that has arms and legs and hands and feet and very valuable brain, liver, and heart tissue.”
How many women do you think would agree?
Planned Parenthood’s response after the video that caught PPGC in an in-your-face lie? Deviously shift the blame, while failing to even acknowledge the pile of baby hands and feet and the 20-week-old twin in the freezer.
… Today’s tape shows an extremely offensive intrusion and lack of respect for women. These extremists show a total lack of compassion and dignity for women’s most personal medical decisions. …
First, who allowed this “intrusion”? Planned Parenthood itself. PPGC allowed the undercover investigators into the lab room, allowed them to look at the carnage from the day, and asked if they wanted to see more.
And “extremely offensive,” Planned Parenthood? Please. How can you even speak those words when you are the ones that caused that pile of baby parts? Thanks to your ripping and crushing of nearly-viable (and actually viable) babies, America has now been a witness to exactly what abortion is. Yes, it is absolutely “extremely offensive.”
Additionally, Planned Parenthood is the one who lacks respect for women. (Women have not been shown even once in the videos, so their patient privacy has not been violated.) Planned Parenthood has been caught on tape, lying to women about the development of their babies. If Planned Parenthood were to respect women enough to fully inform them what abortion truly is, we can be certain that there would be far fewer “fully intact” babies for buyers to collect.
Finally, compassion and dignity? Yes, that’s something Planned Parenthood could use a universe of. Would any of their executives care to explain the “compassion” involved in freezing a 20-week-old twin? What about the “dignity” inherent in dumping out the day’s collection of baby fingers, toes, lungs, and intestines and bragging about them?
After Planned Parenthood’s response, there can be no doubt that the abortion giant has no qualms about lying right in the face of the American people.