On a recent podcast, Desiree Merced opened up about her experience undergoing a chemical abortion, the trauma she experienced, and how she nearly died in the process.
Merced appeared on a podcast with Ivan the Evangelist, and though she had been nervous to share her story, she believed that doing so would serve a greater purpose. “I was so nervous to do this podcast and even after doing it I was so nervous to share it on my social media because it’s so raw, real and open,” she wrote on Facebook. “[T]he amount of people reaching out to me is overwhelming. It brings tears to my eyes.”
In the interview, Merced talked about how she was a runaway, and was trafficked among gang members.
“All I knew was like, I’m never having sex,” she recalled. “I’m like, I don’t ever want to do that. I don’t want nobody to ever touch me. I was really like, I don’t want none of that.” But to her captors, it didn’t matter. “They knew I was a virgin because I said it,” she continued, adding, “I’m not doing that. And she says, ‘You have to do that if you’re gonna stay here with us.'”
The first time she was raped was by what she described as the “chief” of “that group of people,” insinuating he was a gang leader, and he was an older, married man. She was taken to a motel, where he told her that she could either give him sex willingly, or he would “take it” from her.
“I remember pleading with this man, like, literally — I’m a 14-year-old girl at this point,” she said. “And I’m begging him, and I’m saying things like, please don’t make me do this.” But her pleading was useless; she was still raped. “It was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life,” she said.
@ivantheevangelist “I was held captive in this man’s house for two months. He r*ped me repeatedly and it was wild because he was married.” #trafficking #assaulting #victim #kidnapping #sex #ganglife #gangs #christiantiktok #jesus #praying #foryourpage ♬ original sound – Ivan D. Ursery II
After being raped, the man left Merced in the motel room, and then returned with another man and woman. She was taken to the other man’s house where she was held captive and raped repeatedly. The man was married, and after two months, she went to his wife for help, who let her go; Merced said she escaped back to her mom’s house.
Despite escaping, the gang put out a hit on her (in other words, encouraged others to kill her), so she knew they were trying to kill her… and she found out she was pregnant as well. She gave birth to a daughter, but she was addicted to cocaine. At this point, Merced was only 15 years old.
Things continued to spiral for her; she had four abortions, the first of which she claims was forced upon her.
“A lot of the time, you go to these Planned Parenthoods, which I did, and um… they are so wicked,” she said. She continued, “It’s literally cold in there. Like not only is everyone coldhearted, but you just feel, like, this coldness in that place. You don’t feel love at all.”
Merced said she struggled with the first abortion, because she said she knew it was murder. But the father of the child, along with his family, told her, “We’re not letting no Hispanic girl — like, Hispanic girls, all they’re good for is popping kids.” She further added that the father told her she was a stupid, uneducated lowlife with nothing to offer and nothing going for her.
“I was doing better,” she said. “I was kind of more in a better headspace, I wasn’t on drugs. Yeah, I was drinking, I was a party girl, but I felt like I could have done this [raised a child].” But it didn’t matter.
His family paid for the abortion, which was a surgical procedure, but Merced said Planned Parenthood only provided anesthesia if you were willing to pay for it. His family refused.
“Everyone in that place [knew] that I [did] not want to do this,” she said. She was taken into a closed room by a counselor who, instead of offering her options, told Merced that she had to go through with the abortion, and even weaponized her life experience — shared with staff previously during the intake process — to further manipulate her into getting the abortion. She was then taken, crying, to the procedure room.
“I [felt] just like a meat thrown on a cold slab,” she said. “The lady — the ‘counselor’ — [was] holding my hand, wiping my tears as [I was] crying.”
Meanwhile, when the nurse and abortionist entered the room, they didn’t seem to care at all about the distraught, crying teen in front of them, instead discussing what they ate for lunch as the abortionist began committing the procedure. Merced didn’t know what was happening throughout.
“I just [felt] this being ripped — literally ripped out of me,” she recalled. “That’s what it felt like. Like just ripping my guts out of me. Ripping this precious life out of me.”
In the recovery room, Merced said she was surrounded by drugged women who were all given post-procedure pills. Meanwhile, the staffers were congratulating them, telling them they should be proud for having had an abortion. Merced said that afterwards, she became emotionally numb and didn’t care about anything anymore. She ended up having three more abortions. The last one was a chemical abortion… and it nearly killed her.
@ivantheevangelist Desiree recounts how she took an abortion pill and delivered her baby alive in the toilet. #abortion #plannedparenthood #evil #forgiveness #christiantiktok #jesus #praying #foryourpage ♬ original sound – Ivan D. Ursery II
Again, she went to Planned Parenthood, but something had begun to break the numbness she had been battling. And she was pressured again, with the abortionist and the father of that baby both pushing the pill at her. Eventually, she gave in and took the pill, and was taken home.
“All of a sudden, I [felt] like… this pain, like contractions,” she said. She went to the bathroom, and saw her baby’s body.
Below is an example of a baby who died after his mother took the abortion pill regimen.

Photo: Reddit user brazen 177 (10-week aborted baby by abortion pill)
“I literally delivered a baby,” she continued. “I delivered this baby. It was like, the baby was like this big, laying fetal position, and I saw the little tiny limbs, little arm, like… little everything. There was a tiny umbilical cord. Tiny. It was like this big [motions to size of her thumb], so small, and the baby’s heart was still beating. Oh, that killed me. That was a lot. I screamed.”
Her roommate ran in, and began crying at the sight of the baby, while Merced said she was apologizing to her baby over and over again. “I feel like the Lord allowed me to see that so I would know it was, in fact, a precious life in there,” she said.
The baby’s heart continued to beat more and more slowly.
Merced said she bled uncontrollably for months, but Planned Parenthood refused to help her. She was feeling weak and having stabbing pains in her back, but she was told all of that was normal and to be expected. She called a friend, who immediately came to take her to the hospital, against her protests. There, her urine was dark purple and a nurse told her she was in toxic shock, and she was rushed by ambulance to another hospital.
“They did emergency surgery, and I found out that what happened was, when I delivered the baby, the placenta and everything else stayed inside,” she explained. “It was rotting inside me, and my uterus stayed open, so I had an infection. It was going through my bloodstream. The nurse said that, had I not come in, within those hours, in that morning, [I] would have died.”
This is a known risk of the abortion pill, often referred to as “retained products of conception.”
Ultimately, Merced had to spend a week at the hospital recovering. Today, she has found Jesus, and emphasized that her faith is why she felt compelled to share her story.
“I remember telling God whatever it takes Lord use me for your glory! Something he told me was your testimony isn’t meant to be hidden and kept secret but shared with others!” she wrote on Facebook last week, concluding, “I didn’t do any of this for a spot light but to expose the truth and share the one true healer, Jesus!”