A woman who told her story on the website AbortionChangesYou.com says after taking the abortion pill, she bled heavily for eight weeks, was rushed to the hospital for an emergency D&C, and still had problems with complications a year later.
She was a single mother of three children who had just fled an abusive relationship when she found herself pregnant again by a new boyfriend. He was not supportive. She wrote:
I already knew the pain of single parenting and I swore to myself I wouldn’t have another baby without marriage. I wanted him to object to abortion; I wanted him to convince me he would be with me and make this right. He did not, in fact, I pretty much felt abandoned by my friend. I couldn’t bear the thought of raising 4 kids alone.
She took the abortion pill, and bleeding and cramping soon followed. The abortion facility told her she could bleed for up to six weeks but she found herself bleeding longer:
One day at work, I started hemorrhaging.… This was probably 8 weeks [after taking the abortion pill]. I had been notifying the clinic I felt I was bleeding too long and too heavy. They always brushed me off saying yes you can bleed longer. Well, this day I couldn’t ignore it. I was changing tampons and pads that overflowed every 20 minutes. To finish my shift, I stuffed paper towels in. Nothing would hold it until I bled down my pants in front of a patient. I made it home covered up with a jacket. I was feeling like passing out and asked my brother to take me to the hospital. I had to admit to him what was going on.
READ: The abortion pill is wreaking havoc on children and women
At the ER, her hemoglobin level was down to seven. For a woman, a low count is anything under 12. She had to have a D&C and “humiliate myself to my boss” by having to take off work from her new job. She was in emotional distress and felt she deserved the complications:
All this shame and illness and I knew I deserved it, I deserved to die for the baby I killed. The horror of nights not sleeping thinking of the baby. Looking at my kids thinking of another beautiful child. Couldn’t live with myself. Wishing God would take my life. But every day putting on a smile around people to mask it all. Inside I felt a disgust towards myself, towards the lie and hypocrisy.
A year later, she reported still having health problems, saying she was “still severely anemic and having to get IV iron treatment which takes 4 hrs. I may have to do every six months the hematologist says. Have to see gyno to reduce my heavy periods.”
“[I] want to let go of this sadness and guilt for my kids here,” she wrote. A self-proclaimed “conservative Christian,” she said she frequently prays that she will see her baby in heaven so she can tell him or her how sorry she is. Her abortion left her emotionally and physically traumatized.
Editor’s Note: For information on abortion pill reversal, visit AbortionPillReversal.com.
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