Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the author.
As a woman hurt by abortion, I celebrate the overturn of Roe, yet the battle continues to rage at the state level. This is why I am more passionate than ever to use my testimony to advocate for life by exposing the abortion industry’s lies: It is “good for women,” is “healthcare,” and “that it’s not a baby.”
I was a college freshman when I became pregnant. My boyfriend and I were panic-stricken… desperate for help and guidance.
The nearby women’s center failed to explore any options. It was “assumed” I should take care of it and get on with my life. A non-medical “counselor” lied, telling me it was just a “glob of cells.” I was DEVASTATED to later learn my baby’s heartbeat began beating just 22 days after conception!
The first time I met the physician was when I was in a patient gown on the procedure table.
Though I was anxious and crying before and during the procedure, neither the doctor or nurse explored this. The procedure was painful – with severe pulling pain and sharp stabs. I remember the loud suction sounds interrupted by clumps of blood in the tube, as if it were yesterday.
The procedure itself was degrading. The abortionist’s jabbing instrument, coupled with his insensitivity, disdain, and lack of respect felt in itself as a traumatizing violation.
Instead of being “good for me,” abortion tore through my life like a hurricane… shattering my life into a mass of broken pieces.
Before the abortion, I was an honor roll student, served on student council, was homecoming queen, and marched in the band. I was in a happy two-year relationship with my high school sweetheart.
After the abortion — our relationship imploded. My sunny personality was quickly devoured by shame, grief, and regret. I lost self-esteem and respect. I became promiscuous and began using alcohol to numb the gnawing emotional pain of the loss of my child. I developed an eating disorder.
But beyond the devastation I experienced, abortion killed MY BABY— an innocent, distinct human being, created in the image of God.
Thankfully, many years later, through attending an abortion recovery group, and embracing Jesus Christ as my Savior, God has helped bring healing to my heart.
I use my story now to IMPLORE others — PLEASE don’t make the same tragic mistake!
With life-affirming solutions such as pregnancy resource center FREE services, Safe Haven laws in all 50 states, and the option of adoption — killing an innocent life is NEVER the solution.
Author’s note: Susan Justice is the Ohio State Leader of Operation Outcry — a ministry of The Justice Foundation, which holds the world’s largest collection of legally admissible, written testimonies from women hurt by abortion. You may add your testimony by signing a Declaration. Operation Outcry testimonies have influenced four major court victories. These testimonies were also used in an amicus brief in the Dobbs case. Your powerful testimony, collected in Declaration format, can be used (confidentially, if desired) in legal cases and presented to state, national and international governing authorities to potentially end or limit abortion. A Declaration and instructions are available at www.operationoutcry.org
For a comprehensive report on the physical, psychological/emotional, relational, and spiritual ramifications of abortion, please visit CantStaySilent.com. You can find healing resources there as well.