The latest assault in the war on women comes from the UK, where a judge has forced (via consenting on-behalf-of) a thirteen-year-old pregnant mother to abort her baby. Despite the mother’s adamant stance against the abortion, she was ruled too “damaged” to be able to make the decision on her own. Adding insult to injury, the girl was approaching 14 weeks at the time the decision was made, exposing her to the higher risks associated with second trimester surgical abortions.
The young teen was allegedly impregnated by a 14-year-old boy. According to Huffington Post UK:
Social services asked the High Court to decide whether the pregnancy should be allowed to proceed as the girl – who has an IQ of just 54 and the comprehension skills of a seven-year-old – reached her 14th week.
Although the story just broke this week, the judge forced the abortion and kept the case under wraps until there was no possibility of scrutiny — that is, until after the abortion had been committed. The judge, Sir James Munby, is the President of the High Court’s Family Division. The judge readily admits that the girl’s own wishes in the matter were completely disregarded in his decision (emphasis added):
Leaving to one side her own wishes and feelings, the preponderance of all the evidence is clear that it would be in her best interests to have a termination.
The judge claimed that the girl could not make the decision for herself (although, she did: she chose not to abort her child). According to the Huffington Post UK, an “expert” apparently pointed out the obvious fact during court proceedings that “allowing her to give birth might be the less-damaging course,” adding that “If the pregnancy were terminated I believe that this would cause considerable harm to this young girl, who would see it as an assault.”
Apparently a young woman with the mental capacity of a six-year-old can “unambiguously” determine the moral weight of murder, while a decorated judge cannot. Jonathan Van Maren wrapped up the mind-boggling case, saying:
I’m not sure what corpse-carpeted dystopian vision of the State that Munby has that has led him to believe he has the right to force a girl into stirrups to have her child violently crushed, evacuated, and pitched in the trash, but it’s a horrifying one indeed.