Sue Thayer, a former Planned Parenthood manager, admits that most people assume options counseling for pregnant woman will include information on adoption, abortion, parenting, and prenatal care. But that’s simply not the case at Planned Parenthood, according to Thayer. The abortion giant underperforms expectations and pushes “only abortion” on women in crisis.
“What does Planned Parenthood offer?” Live Action founder and president, Lila Rose, asks in an on-camera interview.
“Only abortion,” Sue Thayer replies. “So, of course. I mean that would just make sense for any business. If that’s the one service you offer, that’s the service you’re going to try to sell.”
Thayer describes how her Planned Parenthood clinic once used a state-sponsored booklet that briefly covered information on abortion, adoption, and prenatal care. However, the booklet contained the scientific statement that “life begins at conception.” Thayer says that when Planned Parenthood management discovered this, they quickly ordered brown paper sacks. From then on, staffers put the booklets inside sacks to hide them from women’s views. When they talked with a woman, they would tell her she could take the bag or leave it, simply so they could “check the box” and tell the state they offered information to women. But, Thayer says, “we didn’t really give it to them. 99 percent of the time, they just left it lay.”
“Was there counseling?” Rose asked.
“They call it counseling, but it’s more like a brief presentation of information,” Thayer explained. She told Rose that actual counseling where women are allowed to talk about their situation and why they think they are making a particular choice is “more consistent with a pro-life pregnancy center.” She said that those centers operate very differently from Planned Parenthood.
A goal Thayer said, is to put a little bit of information out there and then to go schedule an abortion: “Planned Parenthood is pretty much, you know, gotta get this done, gotta get this figured out, got another client waiting, you know…”
The “information” Planned Parenthood offers pregnant women is often false information at that, as a previous Live Action investigation shows: