The Family Research Council has announced a prayer vigil on Friday in protest of a new Planned Parenthood abortion center in Washington, DC.
The abortion giant shut down its Metro DC location on June 26, but has purchased property for a new facility at 1225 4th St. NE in Washington, DC. There, FRC is inviting as many pro-lifers as possible to gather on July 17 from 7:30 to 8:30 PM for a prayer vigil.
This prayer vigil kicks off a campaign called, ‘Not in our Town,’” explains FRC’s Center for Human Dignity director Arina Grossu, “which plans to mobilize the pro-life, faith and human rights communities to peacefully engage within the public square to ensure that the new Planned Parenthood abortion center is never built.”
As Live Action News has previously covered, Planned Parenthood’s prior location was a site of frequent pro-life protests, which the organization tried to stop by falsely claiming public property around their building was also their private property. In 2009, they also had to pay $1.5 million to the family of a teenage girl who suffered permanent injuries after one of their abortions.
Grossu encourages pro-lifers to promote the campaign with the Twitter hashtag #notinourtown and declares, “We don’t have to be the victims of history, but through prayer we can see shift, shape and transform history!”