Some abortionists have publicly admitted to feeling “strange” or schizophrenic about the work they do. Dr. Benjamin Kalish, for example, said, “Even now I feel a little peculiar about it, because as a physician I was trained to conserve life, and here I am destroying it.” The following are some of the few remaining late-term abortionists in the US:
Steve Brigham is a late-term abortionist who has practiced all over the country; he’s operated out of New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Brigham has long-standing records of disciplinary action in several states and was busted for a bi-state late-term abortion ring wherein he would begin the process of late-term abortions in New Jersey and then travel with his patient and victim to Maryland to complete the process.
In 2012, Brigham was charged with five counts of first-degree murder, five counts of second-degree murder, and one count of conspiracy to commit murder. However, due to his habit of moving between states, investigators were unable to determine where the babies had died, and therefore were forced to drop the charges. Most recently in the Brigham saga, the Family Foundation of Virginia has petitioned to permanently shut down all of Brigham’s current and potential operations in the state due to his sordid and dangerous history. The Foundation wants to put Brigham out of business “before Virginia has its own Kermit Gosnell.”
LeRoy Carhart is a one of the most well-known late-term abortionists in America. He has killing centers in Nebraska and Maryland, and flies back and forth between the two on a regular basis. Carhart boasts a history of endangering women. 29-year-old Jennifer Morbelli and 19-year-old Christin Gilbert both died following botched abortions that he committed.
Despite repeated incidences of incompetence, Maryland medical boards have repeatedly looked the other way. Carhart has connections to Kathleen Sebelius and late Kansas abortionist George Tiller. He was spotlighted last year by Live Action’s “Inhuman” investigation, where he now-famously stated that fully-developed babies he killed in utero are like “meat in a crock pot.”
Cesare Santangelo is a Washington, D.C.-based late-term abortionist who was also featured in Live Action’s undercover investigation, Inhuman, Santangelo told Live Action’s pregnant actress that babies who survived his late-term abortions are simply left to die. This act violates the federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which requires abortionists to administer life-saving treatment to any baby who survives an abortion. Under the Act, leaving a baby who was not aborted while in utero is essentially infanticide.
Most physicians didn’t enter medical school with the intention of learning obstetrics and gynecology in order to commit late-term abortions. According to Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, the few who do end up in that profession often land there because they could not meet the high standards to which real OB/GYNs are held: “The fact is, only the washouts, losers and moral degenerates of medicine end up working at abortion clinics…”
The abortion industry’s lower standards and lack of scrutiny in many states makes it an ideal field for unscrupulous doctors to become wealthy on the backs of dead children — and in many cases, they get away with the murder of the mothers as well.