Earlier this week, I was accused of wanting to “feel dominant.” This, I was told, is the reason why I and other Live Action supporters are waging a “ war on women” by seeking to end abortion. That sounds odd when you consider that Live Action was founded by a woman and women make up the majority of its authors at Live Action News. Further, if the pro-life movement really is fighting a war against women, then polls show that around half of America’s ladies don’t seem to know it.
The idea is especially strange given that there’s a much more effective way to dominate females: abusive sex. And the good news (for abusive men) is that Planned Parenthood is making things even easier. As new video footage proves, America’s largest abortion provider has been encouraging girls as young as 15 to accept beatings and degradation from their sexual partners. Best of all, they’re doing it with your money.
In March of this year, one of Live Action’s volunteers brought a hidden camera to Planned Parenthood’s Midtown Health Center in Indianapolis. Posing as a 15-year-old, the volunteer said that she had “some questions” regarding sexual activity. She got plenty of answers.
A Planned Parenthood counselor mentioned that the volunteer’s older boyfriend may want to “dominate” her with a whip. Of course, “there need to be rules.” Apparently the best way to set those rules is to “test your limits” and see “what kind of pain you can take.” The teen was then directed to a porn site should she have further questions. Don’t worry, that last piece of advice isn’t as alarming as it sounds: the counselor stressed that this particular porn site is free of viruses.

We’re working to protect your child… from pop-ups.
Planned Parenthood president Betty Cockrum says the video “does not reflect our professional standards or training protocols.” In fact, earlier Live Action investigations show that it’s par for the course, as Planned Parenthood staff have been willing to help cover up statutory rape, facilitate gendercide, and arrange involuntary abortions on child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.” While Live Action’s volunteers haven’t taken Planned Parenthood up on these offers, plenty of others have.
Who’s paying for all of this? Well, that would be you. Planned Parenthood received upwards of $500 million in funding from the federal government last year, even though it can’t account for how tens of millions were spent in years past. If paying an organization that helps predators and advises teens to harm themselves tests your limits, then feel free to sign Live Action’s petition asking that Congress defund Planned Parenthood. After all, we do need rules.