On Tuesday, presidential candidate Ted Cruz released a new video on YouTube called, “Defend the Right to Life.” In five minutes, Cruz explains how essential pro-life values should be to any presidential candidate, saying: “No issue reveals the true character of a candidate running for public office more than the life issues. It’s more than a litmus test; it’s a window to the soul.”
Cruz spoke of the Scripture that reminds Christ’s followers that whatever they do “for the least of these” is done for Christ. He explained that one meaning of that verse is to “challenge us not to see ourselves as better or more important than others, but to instead be willing to defend the defenseless.” Some of the most notable statements Cruz made in his passionate defense of all human life are below:
“A candidate that can’t be trusted to protect the right to life can’t be trusted to protect any of our other God-given rights either. When you look at the voting records of politicians…if they’re bad on life, they’re always – I repeat always – bad on everything else, too.”
“Liberty isn’t safe in the hands of a politician that doesn’t hold all life sacred.”
“The spirit of true American liberty comes from the Creator, in whose image we are fearfully and wonderfully made.”
“As president of the United States, I pledge to you that I will do everything within my power to end the scourge of abortion once and for all. That I will use the full constitutional power and the bully pulpit of the presidency to promote a culture of life. That I will sign any legislation put on my desk to defend the least of these, including legislation that defends the rights of all persons, without exception other than the life of the mother, from conception to natural death. That I will not only defund Planned Parenthood, but I will instruct the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood and to prosecute any and all criminal conduct which those videos that we saw from the Center for Medical Progress so powerfully evidenced. Everything I just pledged to you should be an automatic requirement for any prospected president who takes an oath of office before an all-powerful God to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution.”
“The Democratic party is almost entirely beholden to Planned Parenthood and its gruesome interests. And sadly, Republicans have gone wobbly when it comes to one of the most important planks in our party’s platform as well.”
Donald Trump is the “only candidate left in the Republican field who won’t even pledge to defund Planned Parenthood, which is why Planned Parenthood named Donald Trump their favorite Republican last fall. If there was ever an award that a Republican politician should be ashamed to receive, that’s it. Donald Trump claimed that…Planned Parenthood does a lot of good beside all the babies they abort and then sell their dismembered body parts for profit – which is a little bit like saying Hillary Clinton was a great Secretary of State except for the four Americans she left behind to die at Benghazi.”
“Only one thing is going to make America great again…returning to the ideas of the Declaration of Independence that are enshrined in our Constitution, which declares there is a God, our rights come from Him and not government and therefore, government’s most important obligation is to protect and defend our God-given rights, and chief among them is the right to life.”
“There can be no more powerful statement about the sanctity of life than this: The first person to ever recognize Jesus Christ was his cousin John the Baptist, then himself an unborn child in the womb.”
Editor’s Note: Live Action does not endorse, support, or otherwise favor any candidate for political office. Live Action operates as a non-partisan 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to building a culture of life and ending abortion, the greatest human rights injustice of our time.