“Wrongful birth” lawsuits are controversial. Sometimes known as “wrongful life” lawsuits, they occur when parents sue a doctor or medical facility claiming...
A man in Egypt has filed a lawsuit against his own wife because their baby was born with Down syndrome. According to...
UPDATE, 3/15: The Colorado House of Representatives passed HB-1279 along party lines, and it will now advance to the Senate. Democrats hold...
Kerrie Evans of Gardiner, Montana, has filed a $14.5 million lawsuit against Park Clinic in Livingston, Billings Clinic’s Bozeman OB/GYN, nurse practitioner Peggy...
Italian parents Giuseppe and Aurora Bellandi are suing the hospital that failed to abort their daughter Elisa 15 years ago, claiming psychological...
Wrongful birth suits are not limited to just the United States. Intolerance of people with disabilities is an international problem, and one...