Libertarian Party presidential candidate Austin Petersen has been making waves lately, but unfortunately the buzz has also generated some misleading reporting on...
“Many of those fighting against us have claimed that our efforts to defend and protect life at all stages of development constitute...
Some people were less than thrilled with Ted Cruz’s Iowa primary victory, and not just his presidential competitors. Both Planned Parenthood and...
Often, pro-abortion legislative tactics resemble nothing so much as a child’s temper tantrum. Today’s example: a South Carolina state politician is proposing...
There is very little connection between whether a pro-abortion project brings anything particularly new or insightful to the table and the media’s...
Pro-lifers have been pointing out for quite some time that the so-called ‘war on women’ is not reality. GOP presidential candidate Ted...
When news first broke of last week’s shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood, our president faced a dilemma: use it to demonize...
It may sound hyperbolic to claim the pro-abortion commentariat have sunk to a new low, but if this story doesn’t warrant it,...
In a glowing interview/profile for the Guardian, Emma Brockes paints Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards as the noble victim of a pack...
Most of us were pretty impressed this week to watch Marco Rubio school Chris Cuomo on rape exceptions, pro-life incrementalism, and embryology without...
Three more prominent Democrat officeholders have spoken out in defense of Planned Parenthood against charges that the organization should lose federal funding...
Say what you want about the pro-abortion zealots at Raw Story and Media Matters, but they never miss a chance to portray their...
Poor pro-aborts. In Tuesday’s midterm elections, voters gave pro-life candidates a majority of U.S. Senate seats, House offices, and governor’s mansions, not to...
The abortion lobby glommed on to Wendy Davis as soon as she conducted her now-infamous 11-hour filibuster. Davis was doing everything she...