A group of pro-life leaders is warning pro-lifers to expect a battle to redefine the Republican Party platform at the upcoming GOP...
On Tuesday, pro-abortion activists rallied outside the White House for the United State of Women White House summit, to protest President Barack...
If it wasn’t already clear that Donald Trump doesn’t really understand how pro-lifers think, he’s doing a bang-up job of reinforcing the...
The “hard cases” make up 1 percent of all abortions provided in the U.S., and these cases include those conceived in rape. How many...
Right on cue, Mike Huckabee’s insistence that rape doesn’t justify killing a child even when the victim is a child too has...
Former Arkansas Governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has waded into the controversy over an 11-year-old rape victim in Paraguay who...
When we last checked PolitiHack’s… er… PolitiFact’s “fact-checking” on abortion, we found they were actually cherry-picking numbers to falsely deny that the country’s opinion on...
Most of us were pretty impressed this week to watch Marco Rubio school Chris Cuomo on rape exceptions, pro-life incrementalism, and embryology without...
A Wisconsin Republican leader has indicated that Governor Scott Walker may strengthing his views on abortion, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports. In remarks first...