It’s beginning to sound like an episode of a bad TV show called Oklahoma Abortion Wars. First, an infamous abortionist announces she’s...
Kansas defunded Planned Parenthood this week, and in doing so expanded access to healthcare for poor women. Kansas Senate Bill 436 reallocates...
As the spotlight shines on news of California Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris’s significant connections to Planned Parenthood (calling into...
Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri’s Wichita location has become the second abortion provider in the city following its decision to begin...
U.S. District Judge Nanette Laughrey, a Clinton appointee, has ruled that a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Columbia, Missouri, may keep its abortion...
US District Judge Nanette Laughrey has issued a temporary delay on Missouri health officials revoking a Columbia Planned Parenthood’s license to perform...
On Wednesday, a regional Planned Parenthood representative said that the organization would likely sue state of Missouri after a Columbia family planning facility halted abortions...