A federal judge dealt a blow to the pro-life cause in Indiana on Tuesday, striking down several of the state’s laws aimed...
“This is Chemical Abortion” is a five-part docu-series of short videos produced by Charlotte Pence Bond and made in conjunction with Students...
A Planned Parenthood facility in Iowa has officially shut down after it announced its closure earlier this year. The location in Dubuque, which offered...
Last month, the undergraduate student senate at UC-Berkeley passed a resolution demanding the student health center provide medication abortions on-site. Students have also launched...
A 2013 Planned Parenthood letter claims that taking the abortion pill, which kills a preborn child in the womb, is like taking...
The Arizona Health Director is calling for the legal challenge against the state’s abortion pill reversal law, which requires abortionists to inform...
There’s a saying about inmates running the asylum that translates well to Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant’s latest stunt involves another inbred...