Supreme Court Justice and renowned legal mind Antonin Scalia, 79, has passed away while on vacation in Texas. Scalia was known for...
In 2013, former Texas governor Rick Perry signed into law House Bill 2, a bill that holds the abortion industry to the same...
The Texas Supreme Court has released updated judicial bypass rules for minors’ abortions, affirming recent pro-life legislative reforms to prevent attempts to...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott said this week that he hopes Planned Parenthood files legal action against the state’s move to cut off the organization’s Medicaid...
The Texas Office of the Inspector General has sent investigators to Planned Parenthood clinics across the state today. The Dallas Morning News...
Don’t mess with Texas, especially when babies are involved. That’s the message the state’s pro-life governor, Greg Abbott, is sending. Abbott announced an...
In 2014, the Texas Gubernatorial Project conducted a voter study: how could analysts determine why voters vote the way they do? Many...
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick has added another investigation into the fetal parts scandal at a Texas Planned Parenthood. The release of...
Cecile Richards has proven she can’t answer questions well after she gave a disastrous ABC News interview near the beginning of the fetal...
Kansas is the eighth state that to announce an investigation after Planned Parenthood videos revealed a potential organ selling operation. Governor Sam...
The nation has been rocked by the new undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress, which showed a Planned Parenthood...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott was the second governor Tuesday to announce his state is launching an investigation into Planned Parenthood. This announcement...
Texas pro-lifers were dealt a difficult blow on Monday when the Supreme Court granted the abortion industry an eleventh hour reprieve on...
The email from Planned Parenthood Texas Votes almost sounds tragic, until someone reads between the lines. Reporting on Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s...