Update 7/24/24: Jonathan Jacob Meijer, the man at the center of the Netflix documentary, “The Man with 1000 Kids,” has given his...
A doctor in Argentina was arrested in September and is facing charges for allegedly committing an illegal abortion on a 22-week-old preborn...
In a tragic move, Colombia has decriminalized abortion in the country up to 24 weeks, following in the footsteps of other large...
A couple in Turkey was heartbroken when doctors declared their child was stillborn. But heartbreak turned to shock when the baby, zipped...
A premature baby born at home and later declared stillborn was shockingly discovered to be alive hours later by the funeral director....
(Right to Life UK) Chile’s lower Chamber of Deputies has rejected a Bill that sought to introduce abortion on demand up to 14...
Honduras has long been a pro-life country, with abortion completely banned since 1982. The citizens have also elected a woman, Xiomara Castro,...
Last week, Mexico City became enveloped in a sea of light blue as huge crowds of pro-lifers took to the streets to...
Thousands of people joined the Marches for Life on September 18, 2021, in Switzerland and Germany, despite efforts from abortion activists to...
Argentina’s National Academy of Medicine has blasted the country’s 2020 legalization of abortion as signaling “the decline of the country.” In December...
A legislative committee in Chile’s lower house narrowly voted against recommending a bill that would legalize abortion on demand; however, the measure...
An organization of Catholic universities in Argentina has told the courts that the legal system must protect preborn children from the country’s...
International abortion activists teamed up with local journalists in Argentina to create a blacklist of people they claim are against abortion rights —...
A judge in Argentina ruled the country’s recent legalization of abortion violated both the constitution and Argentina’s international obligations, but abortion activists...